Wednesday, June 22, 2011

St. Lucia Government to Rescue Les Ferdinand Project



LuciaBoy said...

Can some one tell me why the SLFA is not on board with this seemingly very noble venture. Could it be because that is no US$40,000 worth od hundred dollar bills involved?
Has anyone inquired whether the St. Lucia delegation to CONCACAF got one of these envelopes from Warner and if so where de monee gone?

LuciaBoy said...

Can some one tell me why the SLFA is not on board with this seemingly very noble venture. Could it be because that is no US$40,000 worth od hundred dollar bills involved?
Has anyone inquired whether the St. Lucia delegation to CONCACAF got one of these envelopes from Warner and if so where de monee gone?

LuciaBoy said...

Sorry about the unintended double post