Thursday, June 9, 2011

Timothy Mangal challenges Guy Joseph



Anonymous said...

We expect anything and everything from Guy and the bunch of good MEN.

Anonymous said...

this is what I love about The Voice newspaper.they report the news without taking sides.But I am yet to hear anything from neither The Star or the Voice about Doddy's statement that "good boys do not belong in politics",until then, I am waiting.

Anonymous said...

The pigs are running to the political trough. Nobody from that constituency speaks the truth. They use religion to cover their most foul deeds. That church is a den of liars! They are devil worshipers in disguise. You can't believe a word they say.

Anonymous said...

wow! why are you so angry ??

Anonymous said...

Anger is a useful emotion. Even God uses it. It is called like the people in Iran do, 'holy anger'.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Go see a shrink. Quick. You are not well. You are damaging yourself and the environment. Hope those advocates of "decriminalization" of marijuana take heed too. Please God save our people and country. Amen.

Anonymous said...

Are you afraid of 'holy anger'. It is in the Bible.

The wrath of God is upon this country for murdering God's anointed. The children's teeth are set on edge. The people turn to people to lead them who have reprobate minds.

Repent! Repent of your sins! Drug lords, jailbirds, con-men, liars, and imbeciles have become your leaders. Ask God to take away this darkness and this terrible plague of crime and criminals that have overtaken this country. Amen.

Anonymous said...

The seventh- day adventist church is a well organized organization with its foundation on the bible the word of god, solid principle and moral standard to govern its membership.
Now for mr guy joseph or any other persons to say otherwise of the church. they don't know or understand seventh-day adventism
This is just and election ploy and gimmick.

Anonymous said...

The mafia is well organized. They do the work of the devil too. They are very good at it, if you ask me. They have not yet been destroyed. These devils are using religion to cover their political mischief.

Anonymous said...

who cares what is said. you get more votes off rum and chicken ! rum and chicken ! rum and chicken !

Anonymous said...

who cares what is said. you get more votes off rum and chicken ! rum and chicken ! rum and chicken !


Yes. I agree. Nothing matters any more as long as yardfowls get their rum and chicken.