Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Election Programmes



Anonymous said...

partisan or non partisan it is obvious to all sane individuals that St. Lucia has stagnated under the current government.
Like or hate Kenny it is a fact this country was progressive under his leadrship.
the question is do we have to like our politicians or are they to be judghed on ability.
Ilike King but I wont vote for him, because he is ineffective and incompetent.

Anonymous said...

Lord help us if we are to be under the leadership of the uwp for another term...let alone to have our country be led by incompetent Stephenson King. I need to hear the debates from leaders of both sides. I look forward to debates especially King and Dr. Raymond, Emma and Montoute, ezechiel and Alvina, Kenny and his contender and Dr. Lewis and Doddy.