Thursday, August 4, 2011




LuciaBoy said...

Parlimentary representative Pierre should have been more proactive than that. A case of too little too late. It was not Meyers' job to look after the interest of that community but they are both jockeying for that poor wonman's vote. See how everyone is only useful at election time. What hypocrisy on both their parts.

Most importantly the government should have looked to the collective interest of the families of this community and made sure that a retaining wall was built to sure up the properties at risk.

I open myself to abuse from the hacks of both sides of the political spectrum but I don't care the truth usually does not provide comfort for the offender.
I have no dog in the up coming political fight

Armchair Anonymous said...

LuciaBoy ... am in total agreement with you. Considering the poor lady had been asking for assistance FOR YEARS ... which means from the SLP governance day.

Unfortunately it is always after the fact, or mishap, or too little too late that politicians galvanise themselves into action!!

When it comes to humanity, they are hardly on the ball.

Anonymous said...

......but years could mean 2...3... 4 after the SLP had demitted office.... .the fact of the matter is here is a lady who needs help right let us look at the facts ... is the house on private or public lands? If it is the former then her family should have helped her ... if it is on public then the govt. has the responsibility to ensure public let us not be toooo quick to judge here ....

Anonymous said...

why did the voice print seems a bit bais.

Anonymous said...

leave government alone.
this is for citizens to handle.

Anonymous said...

Saint Lucians. The Parliament Represents advocate for work to be done in his/her constituencies, however it is the government's responsibility (using Tax Payers monies) to finance all projects in the Country. There is nothing Mr. Pierre or any opposition representative can do, apart from advocate.

Are we too stupid to understand how the system is suppose to work.

Anonymous said...

It's Obama's fault...LOL