Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Prudent Initiative



Anonymous said...

good move Mr. Prudent but why have you found it prudent to do this only now?

Anonymous said...

Definately a political gimick. When elections are over Prudent will disappear to Queens New York.

Anonymous said...

good move Mr. Prudent but why have you found it prudent to do this only now?

I can see some people really don't know Prudent.This is a man who left Gros Islet but never left at all.

Big up Prudent!

Anonymous said...

Fellas I don't think that anybody needs to know Rocket Science to see that this is just a cheap political gimmick, that will be secretly laughed at by the very people who will receive the gifts. When politicians make such gestures in a country like St. Lucia in 2011, the people will just laugh at them and be more convinced of how empty their brains are. At this stage in our development we don't need such "Prudent" initiatives that are not sustainable and show no class. Gros Islet needs people who can think and produce ideas, not empty charity. Donna Jn. Baptiste.

Anonymous said...

I am from Gros Islet and that's not what the people are saying. The people have been real happy with the Prudent Initiative.

I hope Prudent keeps it up.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Emma give massade boys 10 chairs? What is worse? A man that give children things to return to school or a woman that give massade boys 10 chairs?

You'll have to learn to respect the man.

Anonymous said...

It might have come from the heart; but the timing is suspicious.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 5 and 6, nobody has suggested that Pru does not deserve some "respect" and that charity is alien to politics!!! Whether its "chairs" from Emma or "schoolbags" from Pru, its bloody cheap politics and it's lacking in class. The point is we should not be trying to score political points with petty little acts of charity that are not of any real value to long term development. Remember that Escobar played all those kinds of cheap political gimmicks in Castries Central in 2006, but look at the CRAP he's doing now. We need ideas not petty charity. Donna Jn. Baptiste.

Anonymous said...

We need ideas not petty charity. Donna Jn. Baptiste.



Anonymous said...

Donna you need to do something about your thinking ability. Where in this darn world did they teach you that all people are raised with the same identical sense of values, norms and expected behaviours?

Who ever did that to you has just made you go into the forest of life for a pole of wisdom and influenced you into selecting among all that were available a clearly and very crooked one.

It does appear that you have much more in common with those dragged up and not brought up, like THE GOON-MASTER, the creatur that is the real PM of St. Lucia today.

Look at the socialization of these two people you have compared. Look at their upbringing and the work they do or have done.

Does it not appear and occur to you that someone who defends drug traders, drug fiends, and murders on TV and in the courts is much more likely to be the crooked monster it has turned out to be than someone who has worked outside of St. Lucian ... and without ever attracting a felonious lawsuit like so-o-o-o many members of the UWP's current Cabinet and government?

Man you make me fear even more for the future of St. Lucia and getting out of this UWP Hell Hole, when supposedly smart people like you have absolutely nothing intelligent to say ... but you go ahead on the eve of an election ... and publish it!

Anonymous said...

What we want to see from those seeking to represent us is consistency in thier love and concern and in their desire to give back. Can Prudent or hipolyte for that matter point to any earlier occasion when they gave anything to the people of gros-Islet? They may say they did and just didn't publicise it. So why publicize now? you can fool some people sometime, but you can't foool all the people all of the time.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous of 8.31 a.m., you sound just like the Pru I knew in New York, too quick to jump at issues that require just a bit of analysis. If you were Parliamentary material, you would have instantly perceived that someone who writes like Donna Jn Baptiste could NEVER be a supporter of the UWP. Most UWP supporters are social and political illiterates. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Donna Jn Baptiste.

Anonymous said...

@12, perhaps they never taught you that in school. But for the real world, did you know that analogy is NOT proof? It is just time to go fishing again. An opportunity to drown yourself perhaps in more detail?

Anonymous said...

Boy it's high time you come off your pedestal in Queens - or are you still in Brooklyn - and come to Helen and do some REAL WORK with Lucians in the trenches to remove those goons from Parliament. JGM Compton would respect you more that way.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't it this the same Prudent that was with Lucian Power? I don't understand how you can separate the work of Lucian POwer from Prudent. This gentle have always helped.

Anonymous said...

I am told that Mr. Prudent was in Gros Islet for their special event there in addition to the school initiative. Perhaps, the writer is in good company, if he or she sounds to you like the prudent Prudent of Lucian Power.

Hey! Wasn't he the only political leader of note on the island, who rallied St. Lucians just after Tomas? Both Kenny and the puppet of the island's GOON-MASTER, one SK were off island then.

Anonymous said...

I believe it is high time that Pru break ties completely with his UWP past and come CLEAN. I suggest he release the information on Stephny Queen's MAN in New York. St Lucians have a right to know of the dirty secret life of the GOON. PAT SAMUELS.

Anonymous said...

You know that is arse talk you talking there about the man. Prudent don't have to prove anything again to anyone for them to know that he belong to only one party and that is LPM the party he leads.