Thursday, August 18, 2011

Still on the Grynberg Affair - Will the P.M.’s Secretary Come Forth?



Ben said...

Micah, this is what I am waiting for, will the secretary come out and either deny or substantiate what D'Auvergne and Huntley have said.

LLL said...

What secretary!!??
We don't need the secretary's verification to know that King signed the Grynberg Document. Huntley & Dove would not put their career on the line just to safeguard Kenny. Come on, man! Let's be realistic.

Anonymous said...

Rochamel Propaganda A+. Grynberg Propaganda F-.

Anonymous said...

To find the Secretary book a trip to Toronto Canada? or ASK Tucker for directions.

Anonymous said...

King is exhibiting the same behavior – during John Compton illness, unable to speak the TRUTH.

Isn’t this the same King who doesn’t know and never met Prudent?

What a shame, King and his lord’s men all have the same string attached

2.No policy and action plan for St. Lucia
3.Unable to get out of the mess

Election soon come!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, in all of this, Kenny is a Lamb.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Kenny is a lamb...the lamb that will save St Lucia!

Eye-she-ia tan!!

Anonymous said...

King won't know the truth even if it hits him squarely in the face!

What a bombastical liar!!

You signed the damned thing, din't you, simpleton.

Rufus Booskay, Frederick and the truck driver not all leave you alone to take the slacks. Their collective silence on a matter which they opened, is deafening.

Anonymous said...

Who signed the first agreement? Was it King or Kenny?

Anonymous said...

Doddy cannot arrest anyone - he has to remember his private practice before and after his term in government.

More during the campaign.

Anonymous said...

The secretary will have no credibility. Being his secretary alone qualifies her to be one of them and she will NEVER disown King. So for that. At this juncture King has to keep quiet or risk being drawn into more political hot water. That's what happens when you cannot lead and you are being lead; you have no smarts. I have always said and continue to say NEVER let an opportunity meet you unprepared. Its better to be prepared and have no opportunity than an opportunity presents itself and you are not prepared.

LLL said...

Micah, we have to be very careful how we handle that situation. If by some fortunate means oil deposits are discovered in the future in the area of question, what then would the people conclude; what is all the bickering about! We would all look like a bunch of jackasses arguing over a signed document while the future of our resources and economy is on hold.

Anonymous said...

What would have happen if st lucia had succeded in getting oil would it have been a different story.
Its so ashame that in 2006 many people was rejoicing when compton win, not knowing the outcome and look we bring little children in to do big men job, and almost five years later st lucia is bleeding to the core.
Now they are using moneys like crazy to do little canal project to make believe they are working. You can fool the people some of the time, but not all the time
Gone were those days when compton use the same tactic.
Time for election

Anonymous said...

That's a non-issue. Let's move on. Call the elections. Just remember UWP, heads you lose, tails you lose!

Anonymous said...

Non issue for you, issue to the rest of us. We know why you want the election in a hurry. Enogh time destroy the rest of the docs?

Man from Choiseul said...

Good discourse, Micah. very thoughtful. However, I do not agree with your line of reasoning. It tows the same line as Richard Frederick's which presupposes that the Dauphin Oil Exploration Project by Grynberg was a bad investment. That is a "wishful hypothesis". If it is that bad, then why does the Gov't wish to do "same thing" with another invester? In any case, what is bad about the agreement and/or contract? We keep on saying it is bad; but we have never specifically cited the instances.

I am tempted to believe that we have oil at Dauphin. After initial seismic research, Grynberg came up with something! That's is why he has pumped as much as US$60 million into the project. Rival investors perhaps know that too and may well have briefed government!

One more point: I am not happy with how Richard treated Grynberg. He is an investor and if we wanted to get rid of him, there are appropriate ways to do so - not through scandal. Richard behaved immaturely. And so did the PM and a couple of Ministers.

Kenny did not act foolishly. He knew what he was doing and he is still on top of the situation.

Perhaps, you should have a private chat with him!

I believe oil may be on our doorstep; and it may be a matter of time that Earl and Kenny are redeemed.

Meanwhile, the media/press must try to avoid traps laid down for it. Try not to immerse yourself in political quicksand.

In conclusion, I must take off my hat for the Voice - you are truly taking back your honours in journalism. At the moment, you are the best!

Anonymous said...

I would also take this opportunity to commend The Voice, Mr. Victor Marquis, Micah George and Mr. Gordon for retaking the lead role in the newsprint media over the years. Mr. Marquis might recall that some years ago I proffered a fierce bit of criticism concerning management at The Voice, for its shabbiness, including the fact that such a vital newspaper was yet to be online at the time. Well The Voice obviously got the message and responded in style. Today this is the first paper I try to put my hands on when I need news on St. Lucia. Congratulations folks! PETER LANSIQUOT.

Anonymous said...

Huntley's career on the line ever since his complicity in training young Saint Lucian in Libya.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, he did issue or caused to be issued passports to escapees from Saint Lucia to New York and to obtained good jobs at taxpayers expense. This guys has been committing treason for a very long time

John Harris said...

My Fellow St. Lucians:

Have you read the article “Are there more lunatics at large than in an asylum?” in the Letters & Opinion section in this newspaper?

Iouana Lao said...

Micah, is the Grynberg agreement really a mess? while D'auvergne suggests that it should not have been signed Earl Huntley suggests that there was nothing intrinsically wrong with it - and note that Ausbert has not given us one reason why he suggests that it should have been left unsigned.

The issue here seems to be that the government has attempted to create a Rochamel out of an agreement that may very well be to Saint Lucia's benefit if oil is found. Their term in office has been a disaster so why not use another propaganda ploy in an attempt to retain office = after all Rochamel worked!

Anonymous said...

As usual politicas is preventing people from seeing the facts at issue here. Kenny Anthony had good intentions, but good intentions are not enough. That's why every country has laws that are meant to ensure that even the best intentions are pursued in the proper manner. In this case, Kenny Anthony signed an agreement that he was not legally empowered to sign and kept everyone in the dark, even his Cabinet. His reasons for doing so don't hold water. Investment is a highly speculative business and deals are done all the time with developers that fall through. So not wanted to raise the expectations of Saint Lucians is weak. Whether or not oil is found at Dauphin may be found at Dauphin is not the issue. Kenny Anthony do not comply with the laws of St. Lucia when he signed the agreement with Grynberg. And so did King, except that King's agreement was recalled before it got to Grynberg and so for all intents and purposes it does not exist.

Anonymous said...

Where are the investigative journalists?
Do we expect Dove to retrieve the 'official copies',or the SLP for that matter?
It is NOT enough to publish a non scientific opinion poll.