Monday, October 31, 2011




Anonymous said...

Peter i read this article and arrived at two possible reason for this piece.

1 this is a PR job.

2 You are loosing your mind

Which one of the two?

Anonymous said...

This is one of the most bias articles to date in St. Lucia. When will all this political trickery and prostituting stop?

Anonymous said...

Josie you have failed miserably. You, Rick Wayne etc, should be ashame of yourselves. You all are bitter angry men. I have no respect for people like you two.

Anonymous said...

Peter, man PLEASE STOP being such a BOLD, SHAMELESS POLITICAL PROSTITUTE!!!!!!!!! The entire UWP cabal is "LAFFING" AT U!!!!!!!!!!! You had started well, there was historical honesty at the beginning of your article. BUT, you are so involved with SLURPING UP the crumbs off King and Richard's table, with your little Per Diems to little Board Meetings around the islands, that you have TOTALLY LOST IT. Odlum must be turning in his grave, to see how opportunistically LOW you have become, brother!!!!!!!!! The latter part of your article is TOTAL BULLSHIT and HOGWASH, a pathetic PACK OF LIES, aimed at staying in Richard's and King's good books. But they themselves are privately embarrassed, knowing full well that you are engaging in literary DISHONESTY and the MASTURBATION of the desperate and hungry, and so King, Richard and Rufus, are "LAFFING" at you secretly. I know this for a fact, and one of these days I will play a tape for you, when I catch you in Laborie, so you can hear them, speaking and "LAFFING" about your hypocrisy and crumb-begging, and so you will get your final revelation LIVE and DIRECT. STOP putting your kids and former wife to shame my brother. They hung their heads in abject shame these days, anytime your name is mentioned in political matters. DONNA BAPTISTE.

Anonymous said...

Is that Peter Josie in 2011? What a sad story. Peter history will not be fair to you bro.