Monday, October 31, 2011

Louisy Discredits Report



Ben- Labour 4 Life said...

so in other words, King lied again...

AC said...

Not surprised at this at all!!!

Anonymous said...

tell me something NEW!!!!!! moving on

Anonymous said...

Wow, good way to look at and assess the figures. Not that King lied he just twited the truth to suit his own fancy, like they normally do nowadays....

Anonymous said...

Wow, good way to look at and assess the figures. Not that King lied he just twited the truth to suit his own fancy, like they normally do nowadays....

Anonymous said...

the St. Lucian Prime Minister is officially the biggest embarrassment in this country.

Anonymous said...

The Saint Lucia Labour Party wants to make available 100 million dollars for stimulus package.

The UWP government has already launched in excess of 300 million of its own stimulus package.

Actually both packages are false positives that will drastically increase Saint Lucia’s high deficits and high debts.

In contrast, the LPM targeted policies is directed on a more sustainable fiscal policies, with the focus on decreasing public debt and debt restructuring; unweaving 500 million to create jobs; and structural reforms that enable private sector development for growth- enhancing.

Anonymous said...

LPM right on the money! Take a look at what the Swedes did and what Obama did. Which country is better off after the recession of 2008?

Now these buffoons of the UWP don't even have a clue as to what is to be done. Up the creek they are without a paddle. They are just depending on Taiwanese money to build more Ti Canal projects. But that is income redistribution. Is that all what these knuckle-head schemers understand as development?

Anonymous said...

This is a misleading headline. Louisy did not discredit the report. He merely clarified its findings, something the media should have done from the meoment the findings of the report were released. And King did not lie. What he said is factual. St. Lucia is the top country in the region for doing business, but as Louisy says it has dropped its place overall. This doesn't mean it has done worse, it could mean others have steppped up their game and are doing better than we are.

Anonymous said...

Then what exactly happen (9.45), did they improve, remain static or reversing.

Anonymous said...

An LPM alternative is most capable to execute the following;

Reform the tax code and make available lower tax rates for business as well as families;

Strengthen regulations and centralize access to creativity and innovation for doing business in Saint Lucia;

Formulate financial policy and enhance the financial service sector to attract micro business funding and foreign direct investment outside the current framework of ministerial involvement;

Establish a formal role for small business enterprise (SME’s), joint venture, and public/private sector in legislation and regulation that affect the economy;

Streamline a trade policy and energy security that is eco friendly; alongside a foreign policy object to research and development, science and technology, innovation and diplomacy;

In keeping with the goal to make Saint Lucia a developed nation by 2020, knowledge transfer for the creation of human capital in science, technology, engineering and math’s, (S.T.E.M) will break new ground;

The dynamic for all of this is to have stability via the rule of law that will create tranquility for economic growth and the creation of a fiscal structure to balance Saint Lucia’s budget;

Anonymous said...

Saint Lucians, you'll still paying attention to what King saying.

People, King has no idea what he is saying. The Man is a fool, he just repeats things he hears, that he believes sounds nice.

King is clueless, lets get it for goodness sakes.