Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Something Missing



Anonymous said...

That something is social, there is too much frustration in society, people are going in circles and cannot find a way out.
They only thing they know is find a temporary relief with drugs and alcohol which in turn leads to more frustration and then violence. Then there is greed, everybody wants everything, quickly.

Conflict management should be taught at a very early age.

Anonymous said...

My guess is that this government is bereft of ideas where crime prevention, suppression and intervention are concerned. Their empty promises is significant proof of their incompetencies to say the least.

Politics is not for bad boys but for good and competent men and women.

Anonymous said...

Micah, we need National repentance. What we have is yellow blaming red and this one blaming that one. All have sinned (fact). Can those sinners admit to the error of their ways and vow to walk the straight and narrow from hereon. The leadership must start taking responsibility, start respecting each other and start the country. That is what's missing. We have to start a respectful positivity and honesty revolution where our behaviour (first person first) changes. Crime is not government business more than it is mine. So all of us that commit crime in all different ways must accept our shamelessness and find some way at reconciliation. Let respect, truth and love reign in all aspects of lucian life. love for self, family, community and country will definitely cure the crime cancer however farfetched it may sound - but we must be honest with ourselves. Let us stop the lipservice, blame games and holier than thouness and start in earnest to repent and reconcile.

Anonymous said...

To ask for better from the uwp administration is simply not fair and just. Commonsense dictates that better outcomes cannot be an expectation from the general citizenry given the limited understanding, competencies and skills of leaders of this current administration.

We need to be each other keepers, and based on this reality it would be beneficial for St.Lucians to relieve the UWP administration of the burden of good governance placed upon them by the electorate by simply voting them out.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @October 28th. Exactly what you are saying is what was being said when the UWP was voted in. Can it be that all political parties and the academics engage the population in constructive dialogue about reform in our way of selecting government or rather structuring the governance system? I'm no party hack - just concerned that we are wasting good contributors by chasing them away from the terrible choices that we are called to make given the options we have had for sometime now that definitely ain't working. Just a thought.

Concerned said...

The crime situation cannot be solved only by politicians. Every St. Lucian has to play a part. It starts in the home with the family, teaching their children how to be productive citizens. Teachers, educating and having high expectations for all children. Members of society turning in the criminals even when they are not directly affected by their crimes. Politicians devising and implementing sound policies, and citizens holding them accountable. We all have a part to play in reducing crime in St. Lucia.