Thursday, December 15, 2011

“Let’s Fight Racism” Human Rights Campaign


1 comment:

Son-of-man said...

As I read your article on the efforts to annihilate racialism, a few concepts kept agitating my mental tranquility. Superficial remedy! lack of knowledge! hypocrisy! were just some of the assailants.

The most profound perpetuating foundation of racialism can be found in the dominant religious practices with Saint Lucians - The Catholic Church. The in-your-face Caucasian/White image of God is so obviously SEXIST and RACIST that it sickens me to see a Black man or woman worship a god who didn't want a daughter so he had this "ONLY BEGOTTEN WHITE SON"

I would be more inclined to forgive this god if he also had a daughter, then my charge of SEXISM would be nullified. Why did you not have a begotten daughter god? are women that inferior and evil? God answered me: "Only a White man looks like the father"

I then told god that I charged him with bigotry and sexism and walked out of the church. Before I reached the exit god said to me "look to your left! do you see the devil/Satan under the foot of that Caucasian Micheal?" A Blackman/Negro/Colored with horns - I get it, god! you've made your point. "One more thing he said; do you see that woman stepping on a snake? this is to remind you that if it had not been for this evil woman Eve everything would be fine! everyone would have their own Benz, Plane, palace, banquet and there would be no rape, war, murder,and no Tomas, and Compton known for pedophilia would live forever."

How could mention Racism/ sexism while you prepare to worship a god who only had a white son? there must be some cognitive dysfunction in most of you.

You must be thinking that you are a child of god? try changing the Castries river into wine! Child of god? delusional is more like it.

Iknow! "where ignorance is bliss it's
folly to be wise". Please forgive my folly, and have a white Christmas.
