Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Better can and must be done for Culture



Anonymous said...

Beautiful article, Carlton!

Finola JC said...

Thank you for a well written and passionate article Carlton. Especially regards the lack of resources given to Culture under the guise that it is not a significant sector of the economy - Cultural Industries is one of the leading growth sectors in the world and thousands of Saint Lucians try to earn a decent and honest living from performing some art or other be it music, theatre, visual art or craft or any other...don't even start on the value of culture to the soul of a people...please keep writing and the Voice...please keep giving him all the space he needs!

Anonymous said...

Great article.

Faux Pas after Faux Pas must be the "aborted" attempt at a power point presentation on the evolution of the National Arts Festival. Photos with no explanation then a BLANK screen with "no show" on the top of the screen...no apologies offered by the MC for several aborted attempts to bring the audience this presentation....leaves MUCH to be desired. Seems it has taken a step BACKWARDS from the days when M & C organized it. City Hall was no different...paintings being displayed on the seats of chairs. NO visible improvement year after year. Paintings mounted on a background with a BLACK BORDER AT THE TOP, an obvious distraction.

Anonymous said...

Great article Carlton.

First of all, the CDF needs a revamp, clean-out. The small staff there are overworked, and not well managed; some of them wearing 2 or 3 caps. Their technical staff (on the cultural centre side) are in DIRE need of training, plus the equipment, re-wiring of the structure, needs to be looked at. Bad management.

THEN ... for the arts and entertainment sector to be "economically viable" - the high duties and taxes on imports for their "livelihood" materials and equipment NEEDS to be reduced. Some of the duties on imported items are preposterous!

As Finola rightfully stated - the cultural industry SHOULD be THE leading growth sector in St Lucia all now so. Barbados has realised it - plus they have Krosfyah, Allison Hinds, Rihanna and many more; and quite a few other Caribbean Islands are fuelling their cultural and creative industries - THAT is where the money is!!

What is St Lucia waiting for? Our cultural and creative industry cannot afford to be put on the back burner on a low flame.

Anonymous said...

Who wants to continue to promote stinking Jamaican low-class culture as St. Lucian culture? Who? You? You people have no shame?

Anonymous said...

I have to agree that the writer has made some very valid points that the powers that be should look at with the intention to implement these suggestions and more that would lift the standard of the arts in St. As stated I believe that training in the various art forms sand technical areas should be done on a continuous basis thereby imparting additional skills to the talents that exist on the island.