Saturday, February 25, 2012

Lacklustre Participation



Anonymous said...

It's because 33 years ago, Saint Lucians were given a 6 for a 9, therefore today, people would have preferred to remain an Overseas Territory. Thirty years and the unemployment rate is at 20%, there is no way out.
There would have been more benefits by still using a British passport, education would have been cheaper, more freedom of movement etc..

I do not blame the lacklustre participation, people are not feeling independent, they still depend on others for their daily bread.

Anonymous said...

We have also replaced our colonial overlords by a new class of educated "elite" liberals/socialists only interested in increasing the size of government and living like kings off the people.

When last did we look to any politician or civil servant and say they improved our lives even though almost 100% of our recurrent expenditure is to pay their salaries.