Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Cari-Crisis - Again


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CARICOM is part and parcel of the job creation scheme for liberal "elites" who are destroying the Caribbean and our western civilization. Pushing abortion, same sex relationships, global warming (which is a sham) and all the other liberal failed policies from America and Europe.

Liberals/socialists/progressives have continued in the Caribbean their focus on their own wealth creation and self agrandizement pushing colonialist liberal ideas absorbed from the American and European counterparts.

CARICOM is just part of how they suck money out of our economies to pay themselves and their waste of time programs out of Guyana. They also have their solid linkages with their liberal politicians and the academics at UWI and all three have an incesteous relationship giving themselves honours and big contracts to do "studies" , "inquiries" , "research" and in the end they have nothing to show our Caribbean people.

Our leaders are unproductive and CARICOM a waste of time and their only goal is their own power base.

We hear about all these "important" liberal personages in our Caribbean but they are just part and parcel of a Caribbean wide rip off by these people who have replaced our white "massa" with this new educated "massa".