Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Marisule man charged for firearm and ammunition


Anonymous said...

The fines seem a bit more decent, but could be jacked up some more, in the hope that it might create a deterrent. The cops need to keep up the pressure. Good confiscation.

Anonymous said...

Increasing the fines and extending the imprisonment time is a great deterrent measure for crime.
They should have gotten not 15,000 but 30,000 and 10 years in prison.
The laws must be stiffer.!!!

Anonymous said...

The real issue does not lie in arresting these individuals with weapons and ammunition, but the real problem is why would individuals feel the need to be armed? what caused that problem? what are/is/was their circumstances? we need stop treating the 'effect' like the 'cause.'that's why nothing could ever be done to curb crime.