Tuesday, November 20, 2012

One man arrested for administering a noxious substance to his partner


Anonymous said...

What a big fool!

Anonymous said...

Lord put a hand.

Anonymous said...

You said; "Lord put a hand". I will venture to say further - Lord put two hands, and both legs as well!!

Animals do not behave in such a fashion - if they do it is only for survival, nothing more!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I ask myself what have we done to deserve such punishment? What has happen to my beautiful homeland that was once a paradise on earth? Can someone please tell me where are we heading too? I give up if I can't say something nice I rather don't say anything at all God bless us all.

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain what is mocap. I deduced that it is a poison but please explain further.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with the weak men we have in our society who feel it is thir duty to take away a person's life. Men get a damn grip. You all dont own anyone. Develop self confidence and stop the insecurity bayteez

Anonymous said...

someone above asked what mocap was. well mocap is the result you get when you type 'google' then type 'mocap definition' then enter on the first link and read the definition. you know the internet can be used for that kinda stuff too, you know!!