Thursday, November 15, 2012

Why Chinese and Taiwanese are holding on to what they’ve got!


Anonymous said...

Stop spreading communist propoganda-
America just re-elected Obama in a free election- Taiwan does it the same way!
China? The people never have a say. We know they are your idol- u shameless communist hack.

ABC said...


Anonymous said...

I don't know why the Voice continue to give Earl a platform for his foolishness. Most of us can read, and we are fully aware of what is happening in the world, far beyond what is reported in our local newspapers, and regurgiated by dinaosaurs.

For your information: Here's how the rest of the world have been reporting on the oppressors of the people in China.

-Xi Jinping succeeded Hu Jintao as China's leader Thursday, assuming the top posts in the Communist Party and the powerful military in a once-a-decade political transition unbowed by scandals, a slower economy and public demands for reforms-AP

Anonymous said...

Just move to China and be done with it.

Anonymous said...

The SLP wants to create to glorious picture of Chinese soceity, when in fact it does not exit. Why should any St Lucian alive want to look at the brutal internal Chinese system as a way forward for St Lucia.

Anonymous said...

Earl is so stuck in a China mentality that he does not even understand when to stop being irrelevant....

Anonymous said...

The Berlin wall is still standing. The Soviet Union is still an empire.
Castro is the dictator of Cuba.
Maurice Bishop isn't dead.
....and just like that this fool continues to think of himself as a Camrade LOL

Anonymous said...

Earl, Earl, Earl give it up. No one is interested in Chinese business and politics in St.Lucia, please understand this. Burn your energy on something closer to home. Think about it.