Saturday, December 1, 2012

Pandering To Ignorance And Avoiding The Cross


Anonymous said...

This is an excellent article despite its confusing end.

All I will add is that we need to rethink our current answers to the question. What is development? before we can make progress again.

Anonymous said...

I this it is a mistake to think that because we started at the same level of "colonial" develoment as some south east asian countries we have the same chance or opportunities to make progress.

The are many factors among the cultural, political and economic that contributed to rapid grow in South East Asian economies over the last 40 year that even work to the disadvantage of the Caribbean.

A key factor was the focus of US attention in the fight against communism. While the US undermined progressive in the Caribbean for from the fear of the spread of communism it have it strategy in Asia was to facilitate economic grow.

Also think we underestimate the level of proverty and exclusion that was part of the colonial period. Post colonial government had been struggling with that legacy ever since.

The new politics require that we treat the people as adults and address our condition openly and honestly.

Anonymous said...

The entire article is confusing the real issues.

Josie's writing has always been characterized by presentions of convoluting arguments, where the explanations are often, much more complicated than the issues seemingly under discussion, while he ties himself in knots.

His mental contortions are most amusing!

Josie, North-South being replaced by South-South dialogue is a change, but not necessarily an economic or developmental change inspired by a well thought-out plan of action, or a recognizable philosophy of, or for growth and economic prosterity.

Please reread the above,old chap, until it sinks in.

What is most risible in this convoluting piece this time around is this. Here is Peter Josie heaping praise on someone for NOT doing something, yet he has the gall and the insight to roast another, who managed to DO what his favoured party in the context, HAD NOT DONE!

Hey! Your credibility has been enhanced and boosted one hundred million times over!

Josie boy, I believe that you are really taking all of us for fools. You know?

Anonymous said...

Josie,let me help you out here.

Forget about elected politics.
If you want to be play a role in the "new politics", set up the:

Peter Josie Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship.

Use your time to bring people together to find innovative ways to make Marchand,Morne Du Don better places to live. Work to develop creative approaches to,Customer Service, Productive and Moderninzing Governance in Saint Lucia and the Caribbean.

If you do that I can assure you,that after 10 years you will ask; why did I waste so much time in elected politics?

Anonymous said...

Ok, Josie, you have some grey hairs. Stop pretending that you have useful grey matter that goes with those.

Stop insulting our intelligence.

Your jackass PM did not implement the VAT. That to you and idiots, constitutes 'courage'. Really?

But the Finance Minister who implements the IMF recommended VAT, is opportunistic? You are losing me here.

You are making me laugh, garcon.

Have parts of your anatomy, for example, what you generaly sit on from time to time, been trading places with parts, say, at the higher levels?

Oh! I forgot.

You, a glorified agricultural extension officer, retitled an MP, but in reality, a career communist sidekick, have lost your way since the fall of the USSR? It would appear.

Why don't you take a hike?

Anonymous said...

Regards COMRADE,

Were it not for its anti-corruption legislation implemented immediately upon attainment of nationhood and subsequent aggressive enforcement of those laws, Singapore would not be enjoying such great success today.

It would indeed take a very courageous Caribbean leader to do the same.

Anonymous said...

josie, ho-odlum and compton are the creators the masses of aimless, drug-crazed young people doing violent and senseless crimes on the law-abidding citizens in this country.

When josie writes his weekly column of crap like the one uo there, you realize that the poor chap knows sweet f--k all about management.

Anonymous said...

"This Anthony government is merely riding on King’s honesty and bravery on the VAT issue." The problem with Peter Josie is his innate dishonesty! He cannot help but tell lies, lies, lies. Here he is embarrassing King by saying that King was "brave" on the issue of VAT. The records show that King avoided VAT like the plague. Time and time again he refused to implement the damn thing. Kenny criticized the VAT, like any politician would in opposition, but was brave enough to implement it as soon as he became Prime Minister again. What shit is Josie talking? The tragedy now is that apart from being the helpless natural LIAR that he is, he is now going senile. So, prepare yourselves readers for even more SHIT from Peter Josie.

Anonymous said...

We cannot afford to lose any talent in Saint Lucia. And there is no doubt in my mind that Peter Josie is indeed a talented individual. He is the last remaining of the trio of Compton, Odlum and Josie.

The decision he has to make now is how best to preserve his legacy. Josie can now choose to be remembered as another Saint Lucian politician who got people excited and angry only to disappoint them; or he can repent and embrace the "new politics" of service to the community.

Anonymous said...

You the triple-headed hydra of bananas or nothing, Compton, and Cuban communism by Hoodlum and Josie.

You want to preserve trois banchay vaysell? Go ahead! Lap it up! Bon apetit!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is be the change you want to see.

The "new politics" is about what we do, not what we preach or believe.

It is the politics of 'community organisers" or social entrepreneurs!
Material dialectic and mass trade union action is over. Now people want action, on crime, housing, healthcare, knowledge transfer, technology and modernized governace.
The old politic is dead. Lets start working for a better future.

Anonymous said...

Of what was written by one pandering to stupidity of the ignorant, is that one can go through life from perambulator or pram to perambulator of the geriatric and still cannot show anything growth but grey hairs.

Jackass writers write jackass things like people who do are opportunists and people who don't do have courage.

Foolishness is in the heart of the child, the good book says.

Some of our so-called god-damn adults never f--king grow up!