Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Arsene vs Musa On Agri-infrastructure Or Where De Money Gone? Or Labour/Taiwan vs Flambeau


Anonymous said...

A relatively informative letter lost to a poor and clumsy headline/title. Forget the puerile SLP/UWP vs Taiwan distraction. The bigger issue is the structural integrity of those agro-processing plants, what corners were cut, at whose behest, and how the potential problems can be rectified--at what cost and to whom.

Anonymous said...

Sadly the Voice Newspaper, which was once respected and rightly called the national Newspaper of Saint Lucia, has become a ragtag newspaper. Shame on the editor and proofreader for allowing the publication of this article as it is!

Anonymous said...

Oh by golly, those shit-hounds, just won't stop, shitting around with the people of this country.

If only I could wish that they were all no more.

These folks are just too wicked. They really don't give a damn about the well-being of the people of this country.

Anonymous said...

So if the cost-cutting took place, does that mean the funds from the cost-cutting went into some body or bodies pocket?

Anonymous said...

It is about time the senior public servants [Permanent Secretaries and Deputy Permanent Secretaries et al take some good lengthy jail.

They are responsible for the corruption and dishonesty in Government Offices. They are the ones who facilitate these thefts.

When a few of them are sent to Jail, politicians who are crooks wold not care to fight to get into Government; because these civil servants would be covering their tails; avoiding jail, so they won't facilitate the corruption of those rascals in politics.

Anonymous said...

Blogger right above me. Well Done. We watch those crooks and their facilitators every day.