Thursday, May 16, 2013

More assistance for the poor and vulnerable


Anonymous said...

Increases for public assistance amount to a ZERO sum – when you take into account increase in FUEL, LPG, WATER, SEWER,TRANSPORTATION AND 15% VAT, and now increases in the price of RICE, FLOUR and SUGAR.

This will certainly increase the cost of living and the rate of inflation which increased from 2.8% in 2011 to 4.2% in 2012, partly due to the introduction of VAT.

Anonymous said...

In this current void of economic leadership and government derailment, the Anthony administration needs to make use of economic stabilization methods in order to hold the line and avoid further disaster.

Day after day, the Anthony administration is busy transferring wealth from citizens to state apparatus, via more taxes – more borrowing and increase deficits, while the economic stimulus packages and the welfare programs are been directed to the political elites and party faithful.

In fact, the Anthony administration has given lots of quantitative evidence to demonstrate their lack of proficiency on how to grow the economy. Their inability to adapt to changing labour market conditions and capital acquisition, as well as their inability to think practical about the situation at hand!

The Prime Minister and minister for finance is clearly of the mark talking about trickledown economics and state job creation of approximately 2000 part-time jobs in “STEP” and “NICE” to win over the skeptics.

Therefore, the minister for finance arguments is rather baseless, having being designed on false and twisted logic of “Better Day’s.”

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! Oh dear! Since when "More assistance for the poor and vulnerable" = Economic Development and economic transformation?

Is that what lecturers teach students @ the Law School in the University of the West Indies?

Should we therefore continue to finance or send our students to such a university?

Anonymous said...

Enrouge Enrouge....Take that day ban soucere, you all sell you all souls to Satan himself Kenny Anthony.

Anonymous said...

When the focus of the government is fund the food needs for ONE week with STEP, and those are made to party faithful? What do you think is happening?

Are they not just buying the votes of the poor people with an ANNUAL DOWNPAYMENT?

UWP got smart. It does the same thing.

See why the vote count and results are so close in some constituencies at election time?

UWP and SLP are unconscionably keeping down and exploiting the poor people of Saint Lucia just to get votes out of them.

They call it by the lofty name, poverty reduction. Even the IMF and World Bank are in cahoots.

There you have it. The poor in Saint Lucia are being paid every year to remain poor by the UWP and SLP, so that the party bosses can enjoy huge salaries, travel perks, and fat pensions.

STEP has become annual down-payments for votes at election time.

Choosing to remain poor by getting handouts annually for votes has never been more evident and never been easier.

What a set of callous people our politicians are.

It has never been truer. Saint Lucia is really idiot country!

Anonymous said...

Better days, bettr days....feeding on the ignorance of the masses. Wicked bunch of mofos...just imagine less than a year in power and the place in such a freaking mess and this MASSA f..ker talking about his govt 'has delivered'...good for you all asses. En bleu en blue toot chew moon en bleu

Anonymous said...

SLP what happens for the other 51 non-STEP weeks of the year? Do drugs? Rob? Sell drugs?

Is that all the people voted for SLP? That is the best that SLP leadership has?

SLP = the party of hopelessness, of misery, and of miserable lapo leaders.

Anonymous said...

What a crock!

So these people only get $200 now so that they could pay back their fair share of VAT? That's a distraction from the truth. There is no help for poor and vulnerable people here. Would the government consider giving them some food stamps in addition to the $200. After all they have to bathe and wash too!
is that government really serious right now?
Come on people.

Anonymous said...

What a crock!

So these people only get $200 now so that they could pay back their fair share of VAT? That's a distraction from the truth. There is no help for poor and vulnerable people here. Would the government consider giving them some food stamps in addition to the $200. After all they have to bathe and wash too!
is that government really serious right now?
Come on people.

Anonymous said...

What a joke! So they get more money, then have to pay more for everything, so do they really get more?

Anonymous said...

Our politicians in both the SLP and the UWP are really smart. Imagine their idea of economic growth and employment is to give people jobs for one just week out of year which has 52 weeks. Even jackasses think deeper than this.