Friday, May 17, 2013

Turn Saint Lucia Pink for IDAHOT


Anonymous said...

I must commend Ms Placide and the members of her group for taking a brave step for change. What we need to understand in this country is tolerance. We may not agree with their lifestyle but it is their life, their choice. They should have the same rights as any other human being.

And to those who bash them in the name of christianity..all sin is sin. Their sins are no different from adultery and phonication that we straight people commit everyday and it is tolerated. If god is not pleased with them he is capable of dealing with them in his own way, and in his own time. Who are we to judge.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to judge them but they better don't go near the schools my children attend. How are they going to increase on their population? Government better don't even consider legalizing their activities. Oh ye inhabitants of Sodom!!!

Anonymous said...

At Anonymous May 19, 2013 at 5:53 PM...and WTF u going to do should they happen to be near your child school? Your lil bastared are probably already taking it in the backdoor. It is because of people like you this world has become what it is today. VIOLENT! I wish death pon u @$$hole!!!!!