Saturday, June 29, 2013

Speak Up Saint Lucians, Speak Up


Anonymous said...

This topic on your blog allows me to comment on a previous thread regarding ambassadorial appointments, for which I am over a year too late. Yet the venomous comments seem to be a common find in chat rooms and Facebook pages these days. Hence, my comments are not necessarily ill-timed.
I have typed and deleted so many responses to what can only be described as a malignant hatred which plagues this country. But how does one cure a cancer which has spread to even the most vital organs? Our intelligence, common sense, patriotism, respect, tolerance, patience, love abrogated in one sweep of desperation. Sadly, our interest lies not in finding the cure, but instead casting a fiery storm of damnation on the perceived source. So for Cricket... We tore into Dr. Ernest Hilaire and Darren Sammy when it suited us, as in politics, a similar fate befalls Dr. Kenny Anthony, Ms. Menissa Rambally, or whoever we believe influences the national mood. It is no wonder that accomplished artists such as Boo Hinkson walks amongst us unrecognized or esteemed physicians like Dr. Winston Parris remains a stranger to many even whilst he is lauded in the halls of Duke University. Yet we celebrate the mediocrity displayed in our music and a mere pereception suffices to command our respect. We are a nation of opinions, and that's commendable, but we are also a nation of cowards and hypocrites who occupy ourselves with the business of breaking down and not building up. We have a talent to spot the shortcomings in others in our quest at our own redemption. So we take to the airwaves week after week with our rants and rave; everyone made an expert by the perceived lackluster governance which only seems to change hands with every election. Two parties seeming to take turns at either orchestrating or opposing the maelstrom. Yet, I ask myself how could it be possible that in an era of such abundant expertise and PhD's being handed out like school leaving certificates that the world finds itself in such a predicament? Every government in crisis, every economy struggling, every society in decay. Certainly the QUALIFICATIONS we so fervently demand from our leaders have NOT met our expectations. So much so that in this moment of darkness, the "uneducated" mind of Abraham Lincoln offers much light. The simplistic nature of Romanus Lansiquot is fondly recalled from memory; even Hon. Stephenson King seems unchallengable by a more seemingly adept Mr. Chastanet. Daniel Goleman explains this phenomenon in his extensive work on Emotional Intelligence.
So, as for me and my house, "Leadership is much more an art, a belief, a condition of the heart, than a set of things to do. The visible signs of artful leadership are expressed, ultimately, in its practice" as ultimately, "leadership and learning are indispensable to each other" John F. Kennedy.

Anonymous said...


I am waiting!

Anonymous said...

In summary "we must be the change that we wish to see." The leaders and government we inherit are a reflection of us as a people, as ultimately man is merely a product of his environment.

Anonymous said...

Waiting ............

Anonymous said...

Kenny Anthony and his gang are absolutely no better than Stephenson King and his gang. We need to KICK ALL OF THEM OUT.

Anonymous said...

The process of speaking up can begin by publishing the following documents.
NB. We have the town and village councils review.