Saturday, July 20, 2013

Government controlor the Market Economy?


Anonymous said...

The most astonishing thing to emerge from belly-dancing Anthony and his troupe of entertainers is that he cannot get his ministerial actors to demonstrate how each minister and ministry of government is contributing to the overarching goals of his government. He stood there fluffing and frothing seemingly all by himself.

All we see after the budget show is the same old, same old humdrum routine of paying for recurring expenditures and asinine speechmaking appearing in the press in support of those.

The individual ministers and their ministries have no plans, and no measureable and tangible objectives that enlightened people can follow that are addressing the concerns of the society regarding growth.

Growth to the SLP is just manipulative hot air!

There is absolutely no coordination, no harmonization of objectives, and no reinforcing programmes of action in this administration. They don't know or don't give a damn about anything regarding growing the economy.

Amateurs, idiots, and echo-chambers is what makes up the SLP.

Give jack his jacket. Growth, jobs, and job growth: This troupe of SLP entertainers is all out to sea. Belly dancing and waltzing: superb performances each time!

The depth and breadth of knowledge of SLP's troupe of economic cretins is extremely embarrassing.

It is small wonder that the learned idiots of the Ministry of Finance have embraced and placed yet another economic millstone around the necks of Saint Lucians with Petro Caribe.

Wise men think alike; fools seldom differ.

Top heavy with economic cretins, this SLP administration is hell-bent on mortgaging the future of Saint Lucians left, right and centre, and even of those who are not born yet.

En rouge is setting our collective posteriors ablaze!

Anonymous said...

Jeff, your next article: Why it's in the national interest of the United States to help these small Democratic States.Remember the Banana Industry? And as the United States continue to ignore these countries, there is obviously a vacuum to be filled. No wars need to be fought to restore or impose democracy,we have always been Democratic!

Anonymous said...

"We have always been democratic"? Great news story! Hey! Are you there thinking John Compton's "... it will be alright in the morning" democratic?

Cubans in Communist Cuba, Venezuelans in socialist Venezuela, and Egyptians in Morsi's semi-theocratic Egypt like us had the vote. Do you honestly believe these people experienced true democracy?

You need to rapidly disabuse your mind that the charade we call voting once every five years to change the charlatans and shysters in public office, as we have in Saint Lucia, constitutes a democracy.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:14: You have a very naïve mindset which defies germination.Good luck looking for 'pure democracy'. you have to get your head from your text books....think in practical terms!