Friday, July 12, 2013

Youth And Women Turn Out In A Massive Show Of Support For The United Workers Party


Anonymous said...

UWP insists on recycling its damaged goods presenting those as leaders. What a sad commentary on its followers and on Saint Lucia.

People in that party seem not to be too educated or are very unfamiliar with capacity building. After all, there is no historic pattern.

The records show a history of clusters of political broomsticks [Read: idiots] that Compton called candidates, upon which he continuously based his power. They were nothing to write home about.

See how many today can graduate from his bequeathed education system to become anything more than weed-smoking or weed-trimming STEP/PRIDE workers?

Our majority stupid Saint Lucian lecherous males [Read: village rams] should be rested, and qualified women given an opportunity for leadership.

Anonymous said...

Consider this. The retards in the UWP have before them someone who won her seat on the very first attempt, and is a current member of parliament.

She won her seat idiots!

She has a decent following behind her in the youth. She does not come with the huge political baggage of the corruption of the last UWP cabinet.

Yet, in a short list of potential party leaders her name does appear.

You morons! What are you afraid of?

Where is the equality? Why are you discriminating against our women who are winners? Your Chastanet is a failure at both the ministerial and ballot box levels.

It is a downright shame that there are so many country bookies and retards within the ranks of the UWP.

Give Dr. Rigobert some respect.

Anonymous said...

There are social and political cost for party supporters who in the modern world, think and behave as though they are dressed in goat skins with bones in their nostrils, and armed with wooden clubs and spears.