Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Allen Chastanet Brings Hope Tothe Opposition United Workers Party (Uwp)


Anonymous said...

How can there be hope when credibility is QUESTIONABLE.

How can there be hope when he was and is part of the "mess" and " advisors" that left King hanging.

Hoe can the be hope when he is surrounded by hangers -- that are simple waiting for a job.

He must first lead by example - account for the Taiwanese funds, and the Soufriere town council.

A vote for Allan is a VOTE for his family and the control of the food chain and other aspects of the economy. No to that. Not again!

Anonymous said...

Ignorance is alive and well in St.Lucia.Bad ENGLISH,Bad SPELLING,poor sentence construction,very low level cognitive skill,and no higher level cognitive skills.(see Blooms's taxonomy).
Go back to school (grade four)and this time try to learn.

Anonymous said...

give me a break anonymous @8.19pm. couldnt u come aup with a better comment than the crap u just wrote. u pride yourself in your egotisitic blog. go ahead criricise my badd spelling , grammer , sintax etc.

Anonymous said...

George Bush, president of the United States mangled everything American English. Yet looking back we see that an influential father opened doors, and paved the way for alleged grade inflation in college etc.

Power and influence paved the way for a comical decision regarding the vice presidency. Go find me a vice president, he said. The order taken. The recipient presented himself as the best candidate.

There and then the question marks grew exponentially. How could you be so convinced that you needed a search when the answer was right in front of you?

So the world got 9/11. The world got the costly invasion of Irag in terms of lives lost with big business connection in the vice president position.

Open your eyes. Do you see any emerging pattern for us in that in Saint Lucia?

The world got the abuse in the Iraq prison. This paved the way for even a stronger Al Queda.

The quality of decision making says much more the qualifications of, or jobs held by an individual.

The involvement in the Tuxedo Villa Affairs speaks volumes about the honesty of the entire cabinet and ministers of finance and tourism.

The judgement of the Appellate Court of the OECS, where veracity was questioned, if Saint Lucians do not respect that by going ahead, giving a higher political profile to the main character involved, Saint Lucians will rue the day when this country awkwardly rewards such highly and legally documented dishonesty.

Some say that Saint Lucia is idiot country.

Anonymous said...

UWP scraped the bottom of the barrel and surfaced a tainted politician from its last cabinet of miscreants, goons and social misfits. So, my friend, you see hope in that?

Anonymous said...

UWP has yet to clean up its image as anything but a rogue party. See who they are placing before the people? How can there be hope when they have not even tried to erase the memory that they had a whole cabinet that had their hands stuck in the country's treasury giving illegal concessions to another cabinet member. They have the gall to put the topmost cabinet member involved in this sordid partisan political Tuxedo Villa Affair on display as their leader.

Repeatedly, UWP offers jailbirds, drug barons, and the like to this nation as leadership material.

Bold shamelessness. That is what this is.

Anonymous said...

I really do not see the hope in "Chas". He sure can talk a good game but that's all. Hope, naaaaa!!! I just don't see it for the following reasons:

1. What did Hepple bring to St. Lucia? He was hired by Chas at great expense to St. Lucia!

2. What did "boxing in paradise" bring to St. Lucia? And what was the cost to St. Lucia? Boxing in paradise was a major loss economically!!!

3. He was the one who suggested that we use "Wine House" as a catalyst for getting tourists to St. Lucia. What has become of that? She is dead and so was the idea (it died while the words were coming out of his mouth).

4. He was not able to unseat the incumbent in Soufriere even though he had access (legally or illegally) to huge amounts of money.

5. Ask the question "Does Allan support not selling the queen's chain'?

6. Allan was not in support of the APD tax that Europe levied against persons traveling to the Caribbean saying "it made traveling to the Caribbean way to expensive for europeans". Yet, Chastenet was directly involved in making travel within the region by implementing the Airport Tax on us.

7. Allan was one of King's greatest defenders while he (king) was in power now today, he (Allan) is saying that King was a weak leader and in essence did not know what he was doing! This shows that Allan will do and say anything when it suits him!

I can come up with several other points why Allan is not suitable to lead St. Lucia but I reserve the rest for another time.

Allan is really not prime minister material!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Given the statements/questions you raised with regards to the tourism issues it is obvious that the conceptualization of the tourism pro cess and product and strategic planning is beyond your understanding.
Since you know so much about the queen's chain,please tell us whether the new hotel development in soufriere owns the beach as advertised by the developers?

Anonymous said...

Hotels owning the beach in Saint Lucia once they say it, that is a fait accompli. And you know very well that law is not enforced either in the spirit or in the letter of the law.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous 7:20 pm

I just don't get your point! Wanting to make someone look like an idiot but you are the biggest one! What about Chastnet's doings that shows his " conceptualization of the tourism process and product and strategic planning" was impeccable?

You have not yet answered the questions or commented on the statements!

You may be intellectual with insights but while he was in office, regular St. Lucians wanted to see benefits or even signs of it but alas it never materialized.

Next time you comment, focus on making insightful comments (you do not have to agree with me) and not attempting to belittle another!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, the above comment was meant for blogger @ 2:01 pm

Anonymous said...

how about his stewardship as head of sandals resort Chastenet is phony, he lies,decieving,and cant be trusted, I feel sorry for our poor people who follow these guys believing they are for them. Think of who will benefit under a chastenet ruled.

Anonymous said...

all I have to say (repeated statement of Allen)=
I operating a hotel but I can not make profit.
...is anyone still convinced he can turn this country around???

Anonymous said...

Marketing promotion is NOT sales promotion. It is more like a staff position than a line position in modern companies.

In today's world of business, only those with real LINE EXPERIENCE, that is, employees that are in the business of making money for their company are ever considered as suitable ... especially for Fortune 500 companies ... for grooming into the position of CEO. Reread this if you do not get it at first.

In the political environment, our CEO would be the prime minister. Otherwise, you automatically disqualify yourself from ever being considered without this important job experience.

Allen Chastanet is unemployed and very much unemployable like the three or more generations of school-leavers emerging from John Compton's and that idiot Allan Bousquet's "Fairty schools" education system.

Prime candidates for S.T.E.P. and similar programmes, the job skills of most of those generations only extend to combinations of wrapping grass, selling grass, smoking grass, and cutting grass.

Chastanet has very smartly indeed declared, that he is following John Compton who gave him his post-collapse Air Jamaica job, without any type of qualification after his marketing career went the way of Air Jamaica ... down (Genius!).

Vigilant Lumumba said...

Are we going to repeat the mistakes of the past and trust the political power to the hands of the privileged white whose connection to the near-monopoly business interest of his family would render us even more vulnerable to the pressures of money and power? Are we so blind that we cannot see what is about to happen before our very eyes? Chastanet may turn out to be good for certain class interests in this country but a real nightmare for the poor, the black, the marginalized. I shall never make the mistake of supporting him and trek that trail of tears back to that cruel past. Never!!!

Anonymous said...

What hope? Do not generalize; list what those "hopes" are!

Another singing, no!!

Anonymous said...