Saturday, August 17, 2013

Continuing Education and Higher Learning must remain affordable


Anonymous said...

Without a very clearly defined sense of purpose and direction, higher education for higher education sake is an abysmally foolish idea. Accumulating credentials for their own sake, and studying useless subjects like the mating habits of the Antiguan black spider can be regarded as a total waste.

Lucians Again said...

Academic life cost a lot in terms of time, money and personal sacrifice. Very few persons can avoid seeking financial assistance. Education is truly the way to Emancipate our minds and I support the call for assistance to be provided and more so for persons to give back...... and the willing should be allowed to give back.... no matter which government is in office.

Anonymous said...

Is it not much important to first establish what people should be learning for which careers. Next is it not important to know at what levels they should they get that education/training? Just talking crap about the cheapening of higher education is to be totally out to sea regarding education for this nation's development.

Anonymous said...

It will take us a very long time to get rid of this country bookie mentality of just providing education just because education is good. When principals of our tertiary and secondary schools are steeped in this Victorian Age crap, and proudly repeat their drivel of having education for education sake, we know that we have mis-hired and promoted old foggy square pegs, to block the development of our youth.

Teachers Training College should, a long time ago, have better and higher screening entry standards for would-be teachers. Our curricula should better reflect our stage of economic development and our development focus. Sadly, none of our leaders with their usual claptrap or hot air has signaled any clear view or a sense of purpose regarding the latter.

We are still by and large training and educating for the retention of a large majority of the population as party voters, in STEP and with PRIDE to smoke grass, package and fold grass, sell grass, kill for grass and cut or trim grass.