Thursday, August 15, 2013

Not Good Enough Allen, Not Good Enough


Anonymous said...

Yes,you are aprox.15 min with the doctor and pay 150.-
In calculating this figure higher:
4x 150.- = 600.- per hour
7x 600.- = 4200.- per day

Comment: not a bad money made for a day.

Anonymous said...

You said that Chastenet is riding on the back of Sir john's ideals,ideas ete. and where are his own.
You ought to know that ideas,ideals vision ete. ete. and their relevance,suitability,practicality,usefulness to any situation has nothing to do with where they originated from.
Is there anything wrong with using Sir john and the UWP's vision,mission,ideals and development plans as a reference point and spring-board as he begins his tenure as leader?(please remember we are still talking about the uwp.I do recall Kenny Anthony using George Charles and the ideals of the labour as a reference point for himself and his elected party members.HE actually called on them to be like George Charles,emulate his ideals,ete.ete.Do you remember such?
If you believe he is starting on the wrong foot,then the intelligent thing to do would be to show that Sir john,s ideas (REFER To THE 2007 BUDGET)are irrelivant to St.lucia's development today.
Please note that most of the world'sgreatest achievements were achieved by someone building on someone else'swork.
You said that you were speechless:
Every well-informed person knows that any time someone assumes the leadership of any organization he/she states what they intend to do.It is not based or linked to what the predecesor did or didn't do.
You have critized the effectiveness of the UWP (both directly and indirectly in the past)as a political organization and in government and yet today you are speechless because you expected Chastenet to say that it will be business as usual.(same operational procedures and processes)and he did not.How hypocritical!
Your temporary loss of speech was due to your disappointment with the fact that much deserved pressure will now be placed on the SLP GOVERNMENT on behalf of the people.
Without realizing it,you actually repeated what you had said about the leadership of the UWP in the past.(the adjectives you used to describe King's leadership.)
The suggestions you gave to Chastenet with regards to doctors' fees ete.ete.Why don't you make the suggestions to the government who is in a position to act on them immediatly.
A useful contribution from you would be write to the government (through this medium)listing out the suggestions you gave to Chastenet plus all the other issues of concern to st.lucians with solutions.The government can act on them immediatly if it wants to, Chastenet cannot.

Anonymous said...

Does any body in St. Lucia actually believe that Allen Chastenet, went into Politics, because he wants to make life better for the majority of St. Lucians. Does any body actually believe he is on the side of the small man? It is his right to run for office, with that I have no problem. It is a free country, but Prime Minister material give me a break.
He was the lesser of two evils, of two bad choices. That still does not make him a suitable candidate to lead the country. Wake up St. Lucia.

Anonymous said...

I agree totally with the last blogger. Let us not forget that we are talking about a man, who entered the Government as Minister of Tourism, and his first act was to fire the Director of Tourism Maria Farwell, his cousin, a daughter of the soil, and gave her job to James Hempel. Every thing that is foreign is better in his eyes. He forgot he is considered as one of the country's biggest political hack, having attained the post of Minister of Tourism, long before any elected members were given a job. Even before he got his feet under his desk, he was demanding a doubling of the Tourism budget from 25 million to 50 million, which he got. King of the Party Hacks!!!! Mr. Chastnent. As a UWP supporter I will not forget you for undermining Stephenson King. You were after his job from the get go and made that obvious. Poor King does any one remember his speech where he said he expected Allen to be supporting the Government in his post of Minister of Tourism in the next government? He knew then what he is feeling now. Allen will kick any body's butt to obtain power. Note how the new executive is made up of people in his own image and likeness. Mounte and Ezikel were rejected by the voters and he suffered the same fate himself. We need a woman to lead our party not a second rate man.

Anonymous said...

I do not want any white man to rule over me - P E R I O D.

A vote for Allen Chastanet is a vote to fatten his family's bank account. Chastanet has absolutely no interest in the common people of St Lucia. For crying out loud; the man cannot speak the native tongue - kweyol; so how is he going to relate to the majority of St Lucians who cannot articulate well in the English Language?

The man is only interested in his monopolistic supermarket chains, his hotels and his few selected khaki pants friends - not the lay people!

Anonymous said...

I am wondering how juke bois feel now, [ti pren toute] He juke bois knew how chastenet undermine his boss and how he spend the tax payer money like crazy, especially when he bring the florida Caribbean crise association to st lucia at the expense of st lucia government, after delegates paid the fcca, so they roll out with all the delegates money plus how many millions from the st lucia government, all because of chastenet, poor king couldn't stop him.
Whiles he was attempting to run for Soufriere he had persons like litten lamontagne and others at his side, received how much millions from Taiwan, plus he Mr litten who was the foundation manager spent quite a considerable amount trying to buy votes plus giving them rum and chicken for votes, Thank god Soufriere people wasn;t foolish There are so many other things as time goes by that we need to learn of who are his circle of friends, plus his stewardship as head of air Jamaica.
I pity some of our people who believe that he can help them.

Anonymous said...

Micah, I am happy to see your intelligence prevailing over this new shipment of crap. You do well and do yourself justice to discern the crap put out by the membership of that conniving cabal of UWP racketeers.

They burdened the country with a caricature that passed for a government, plus a cabinet full of Ali Babas, under the control of a well-known drug baron.

Anonymous said...

Chastanet instead of trying to address the nation with your crap, if you have any metal you should make UWP a real party by getting rid of ALL these corrupt, semi literate and non performers who are riding on the the party. You must remember you was in office for 5 yrs two yrs ago, and all the problems you are speaking about, you did not solve them. All you did was to travel, incrue debt on the country and hire Hepples on a big tax free salary. You even took Juke Bois on one of your joy rides to England on our taxes. Your first mission as minister of tourism was to fire the poor tour guides of Soufriere and also the poor beach patrol officers who protected our tourist. So what is your mission as leader of the UWP? People open your eyes.

Anonymous said...

Boy oh boy, a whole three years plus before the next elections and Labour is running scared. You attack his skin colour, his hard earned wealth, his business, his family. I can understand attacking his politics, but you guys sound stupid going after the man so soon before the next elections.
But ofcourse Saint Kenny has done no wrong, he is clean as a whistle, (or so you think).

MR. "T" said...

Allen who?????


Is GAY JOSEPH having a second thought about his massa ALLEN??


Anonymous said...

The assertion from some contributers that Chastenet is not suitable to be prime minister of st.lucia is a decision for the voters.That time to decide has not come(2016)
In the meantime,are all of you including Micah satisfied with the economic situation in the country?
If you really care about st.lucia why aren't you asking questions of the government?
(1)Are you satisfied with the vat rate?Is it fair?
(2)Should vat be placed on medication?
(3)Should vat have been placed on water for households?
(4)With the government talking about belt-tightening,is there the need to hire all those consultants especially if not all most have no qualifications nor experience /expertise in the area in which they are paid to consult on.Which,by the way,makes a mockery of the term CONSULTANT.
Are you satisfied that St.lucia's membership in ALBA is a wise one although despite numerous requests from ST.lucians for the details of the agreement the government has not released it?
The suggestions MICAH gave to CHASTENET with a view to providing some relief to the struggling St.lucians,don't you think he should suggest them to the government who is in a position to do something about it immediately?
I can raise many more issues which are having an adverse effect on the quality of life of st.lucians,however,please tell me,if you really care about St.lucians shouldn't those issues be of grave concern to you?
I await your responce.

LLL said...

When you declare yourself (by the process of election or selection), you, and only you have placed yourself in the position of attack - St. Lucian Style. So all those bloggers who believe that Allan after HE made the initial challenge to the governing body, should be given a clear mandate to say what the hell he wants without contradiction, then they should beg Allan to declare himself unfit for the office of political leader. And step down. This is a Man's Game!! (Didn't one of his comrades say something to that effect to Dr. R. L.??)

Anonymous said...

The assertion from some contributers that Chastenet is not suitable to be prime minister of st.lucia is a decision for the voters.That time to decide has not come(2016)

You hear crap? Dat is crap. So, what do you call those people who against de election of your Mr. Crap? Chicken liver?

Anonymous said...

Saint Lucians are one of the most ridiculous purveyors of crap in the world. Imagine, that just once every five years, the crap that is the constitution allows for votes, largely bought with corned beef, rum and currency. However, our teeming hordes of retards and idiots believe that the ONLY time they should participate in the government process is in the few days before and on day of election.

Does this not clearly answer why we have so-o-o-o-o-o-o much country bookie backwardness passing for intelligence, and real numbskulls, nincompoops, dumb asses and jackasses on radio and TV media being regarded as oracles? What a nation of mainly shitheads!

Anonymous said...

12:36 PM you must understand Chastanet is not a man of. So much substance as you think, his record has proven that. Can you point out the accomplishments of Chastanet as minister of tourism for 5 yrs? Can you show me the people of substance Chastanet attracted to the UWP, he still have Guy Joseph following him everywhere. Show me anybody of substance that got elected on his party leadership with him? So afraid of Chastanet who cannot even win a seat, he can only be given a seat on a silver platter in Micoud. This the only know leader who cannot win a seat. And people have the guts to talk about SLP afraid of him. Chastanet was in government for 5 yrs, just 2yrs ago what differences did he made or what did he accomplished?

Anonymous said...

Carpetbaggers for real have a much easier time getting elected than Chastanet. In how many constituencies must he knock about, before he ever gets elected?

Anonymous said...

I am impressed with Micah's approach and line on this topic.
Unlike the party hacks and clueless average St. Lucian voter(with or without degrees), he is attempting to read behind the mindless claptrap that is the rote empty garbage of Caribbean politicians.
Chastanet will not make any difference to St. Lucia's development. He has personal failings which I will expand on later and is a spendthrift manager who does not connect with people except for his intimate groups.
He is nothing more than a typical middle class clueless liberal American with the same views of any African American on the streets of Newark, new Jersey.

Anonymous said...

Chastanet is garbage in garbage out!

Anonymous said...

Micah, you write what you write, but do you read what you write to see if it makes sense? Chastanet says under his leadership the UWP will offer "a properly-structured, well-integrated, visionary, caring innovative and agile organization, committed to the renewal of the country."

But you say you were left speechless by that statement and you believe Chastanet is saying that under King, the UWP was "unstructured, unrealistic, unimaginable (whatever that means) short-sighted, outdated etc."

I am left speechless by your infantile reasoning. There is absolutely nothing wrong with what Chastanet said. The reason he ran against King for the leadership of the UWP is precisely because he thinks he can be a better leader of the UWP. You should go back to your own criticisms of King over the past 7 years and ask yourself whether Chastanet is offering anything different to what you've been clamouring for from the UWP.

Chastanet's ability as a leader will be assessed not by you, thank God, but by the voters in another 3years.

Anonymous said...

Micah, you write what you write, but do you read what you write to see if it makes sense? Chastanet says under his leadership the UWP will offer "a properly-structured, well-integrated, visionary, caring innovative and agile organization, committed to the renewal of the country."


"Chastanet's ability as a leader will be assessed not by you, thank God, but by the voters in another 3years."

This last quotes smacks of a very untrained mind, and is coming from a person who is incapable of going beyond the superficial. Cannot, or has not learned to read between the lines.

A more than just a simplistic reader would have noticed, as Micah seems to have done, that this, a very bland statement of "renewal of the country" appears more as an afterthought, than as a clear and distinct way forward. And that is after, the winner has had time think. That is after the winner too, had occupied a ministerial position and now with several months out of office, to review what would be the strategic direction for the country.

A discerning reader too, would have seen it as the claptrap that it is, and full of empty.

A very discerning reader too, would have seen that special focus on very partisan party politics too. See the priority?

First it is party.

Note the copious amount of detail associated with this: "a properly-structured, well-integrated, visionary, caring innovative and agile organization ... "

Is that part very clear and unambiguous? Not sure? Read what is in quotation marks again.

Those of us who may have studied or have done Content Analysis at the tertiary level can not avoid the deep contrast between that statement and the quite bland, colourless and very simplistic -- not to talk about meaningless "... renewal of the country."

What specifically does the word "renewal" mean coming from a person with supposedly a master's degree?

One has to be very childlike, very trusting and very naïve to see any clarity of purpose in such an evasive statement.

History is repeating itself here again!

Properly trained and mature minds know that reading between the lines means that we must watch very, very carefully, not just only what is being, or has been said. This is what separates the sheep from the goats up and down in all our classrooms.

Oftentimes, what has NOT been said or what is left out, can be a zillion times over, MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than what that is said, or what is placed out for there for public consumption in a public statement.

There is information, misinformation, and disinformation. Google those.

Thank you Micah for showing the difference! Evidently people, we are NOT being told the whole truth about what is coming at us Saint Lucia.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 9:47AM, so you think you have made any more sense than Micah with that piece of asininity?

Nothing that Chastanet says will please you. You know why? Because you are a pure, unadulterated hack of an ass! A hackass!

Anonymous said...

We know that we have to deal with a lot of idiots singing for their supper. No wonder we left an entire country at the whim and fancy of country bookie as education minister.

Today, those who survived that crap under John Compton have left. Some don't even bother to visit. Others remaining have only produced generations of idiots whose maximum achievement is to be party yard-fowls who can only survive in STEP and with PRIDE to fold grass, sell grass, kill for grass, and cut grass.

So doh worry wid that ignoramus @ 11:54 AM idiot. Not all the people who write belong to any party. That one must be a country bookie with de mud still stuck between de toes.

Ezra Wilfred said...

It never cease to amaze me how St.Lucians always want to tear apart one of their own if that person writes a political view that is different than their own.

I have to applaud persons like Micah George who week after week gives his political opinions without fear or favour, despite the cruel, nasty and hateful comments he receives from people who disagree with him.

Micah George writes his things and fearlessly puts his name by it so everyone in the country know he said so and so. His detractors, who wait with baited breathe to destroy him refuse to write for him or someone else to criticize, All they do is write garbage as a response and sign off in anonymity. How coward, how classless, how stupid, how silly.

I also realize that most of those anonymous persons never take on what Micah writes but take on the man himself. To all Mr. George bashers i say this: If you disagree with what Mr. George writes point out what you disagree with and prove him wrong. Come out with your own facts. This is how we as a people develope. Why do you want to call Mr. George all types of names yet are unable to prove him wrong. This does not make sense. Further more this puts Mr. George in a stronger position. Why does Mr. George writes week after week? Answer: It's because not one of his detractors have been able to counter what he says with their own facts, their own strong counter arguments.

Let us look at two things pointed out by Mr. George in this article that seems to enrage UWPees and Chastenet supporters.

Chastenet made the point that the vulnerable people are hurting as a result of VAT on medicines and wants the government to remove the VAT on medicines.

People be real. All Micah wrote was to tell Chastenet that he should have gone further and call on the doctors to lower their visitation fees. What the heck is wrong with that? The first major obstacle facing the vulnerable is getting money to visit a doctor and getting another set of monies again for that same doctor to read out to you your lab results, something which should be free of charge. I Allen Chastenet really wants to help the vulnerable, as he claims, what is wrong with him going all the way for the vulnerable in respect of healthcare. Why should people call Mr. George all types of names and be insultive to the gentleman for him saying that?

The next point made by Mr. George is that of Chastenet not coming out with his own ideals. What is wrong with that. Why should anyone have a problem with that. If Mr. Chastenet took the time to address the nation shouldn't the nation expect him to come out with his own plan? when will the UWP stop riding on the coattails of Sir John Compton? When will a leader emerge with his/her own ideas for the development of St. Lucia. Why can't Chastenet incorporate some of Sir John's into his own and present to the nation a new remixed package?

oh, and one more thing. The same way Mr. Chastenet is holding aloft Sir John's ideals why can't he mention King's ideals. In fact he made it appear that under him the UWP will be structured, etc, etc. why can't he say that under him the structure way of the party under King will continue.

I could go an and on but i think i've said enough. I think my point has been made. To Mr. George I say this: Fear not. Keep on doing what you're doing. This article is a great article, another good piece. You seem to be a guy who is not afraid of going against the popular vote. It also seems that you are not suckering up to anyone. I arrive at that based on your articles over the years. I applaud you Sir. Before those UWP hacks knife you they should read the first few paragraphs of the article where you show clearly that you belong in no camp. I guess the UWP hacks miss that part.

And for those of you who are wondering who i am. Here's a surprise - I am a UWP hack, meaning a strong supporter but i am not a stupid hack. Neither will i follow blindly. if you don't believe me ask Mickey. And don't pretend that you do not know who Mickey is.