Thursday, August 8, 2013

SLP tells Jeff Fedee That His Bias Is Now Out Of Control


Anonymous said...

Saint Lucians need a good education in what constitutes an MBA certification. One in marketing is less useful than one in management. All the nonsense that is floating around is making Saint Lucians look like fools.

Some simple questions to ask include the following. How comes it that Mr. Chastanet for all his education and experience is now looking to a job in Saint Lucia? Why no other company after Air Jamaica is known to have come knocking on his doorstep to utilize his supposed knowledge or skills? Where are the executive headhunters? Without the benefit of the job by John Compton would he not have remained unemployed, or perhaps even unemployable except for a job in his father's business monopoly?

Anonymous said...

Sounds pretty desperate. I wonder what's eating him.

Anonymous said...

lets not forget that the reason why fair Helen has been bleeding is because of people like jeff when they can get their way. they will write and do anything for their pocket, as well as rick wayne, and juke bois and other journalist, Media, etc who are causing more harm than good, Instead of leveling with the st Lucian populace,and start giving us information about his stewardship as air Jamaica head, As former tourism minister,His Educational background and Experince. Cause this is no time to send little boys to do adult work. We saw in in Stevenson king,this should be lesson learnt.

Anonymous said...

Like the last dead pope was for the one ahead of him, the man appears to be auditioning for the job of Chastanet's chief "pitbull".

Son-of-man said...


Fedee is obviously intellectually challenged. I have pointed that out on several occasions, and I am quite shocked that Lucians are just now coming into this realization. Haven't you read some of this guy's past writings? They are worst than Michael Chastanet's -

There are a sort of men whose visages
Do cream and mantle like a standing pond,
And do a wilful stillness entertain,
With purpose to be dress'd in an opinion
Of wisdom, gravity, profound conceit,
As who should say 'I am Sir Oracle,
And when I ope my lips let no dog bark!'
O my Antonio, I do know of these
That therefore only are reputed wise
For saying nothing; when, I am very sure,
If they should speak, would almost damn those ears,
Which, hearing them, would call their brothers fools.

Anonymous said...

This Chastanet character is a very divisive and polarizing figure. I wonder if he is worth al of this rancour and bitterness.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha everyone of you all are scared 4king stiff. Now bow to the white man we needed the change. I wish he would kick all you bullshiters out with you all pea IQ.

LLL said...

Let Jeff Fedee know that the best thing that UWP did was to elect Allan Chastanet as political leader. This gives the St. Lucia Labour Party a comfortable ride to another historical victory of 16-1 whenever elections are called. Ti Chas is the weakest and most inexperience person to be elevated to his current position. King & Federicks are waiting, humorously. Ti Chas calling for unity; over these character's dead bodies.

Anonymous said...

UWP is like LPM. The party's idiots designed it such that the party's main voice is outside of parliament looking longingly in, but cannot even win a seat. What a stroke of genius!

Anonymous said...

Lol, infinitum. Those "has been" refuse to fade away. Sadly, they think they are relevant, but what the likes of this one and the other one; the one from VF, does is to bray for their weekly crumbs.

MR. "T" said...

Kenny in in Jeff brain making de man sick with a MALADE AKOUCHE, LOL Mr/sir/ shit/ djol ou car koule paski KENNY was getting your sugar baby and de man marry your sweet heart. remember de 3 of u used 2 teach in de ANGLICAN SCHOOL.
JEFF kennie is a better bat's man and a more aggressive "LOVER" de man was into your thing every night.

JEFF! go and make peace with yourself. Jeff KENNIE IS A MASTERPIECE, LIKE IT OR NOT.

Son-of-man said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Son-of-man said...


Mr. T

ka-li-tae malade se Malade moun ki en-cent? kenney pas coupe Fedee.



Anonymous said...

This desperate character like his boss is looking for an easy pension. Small wonder he has to prostrate himself on the alter of MASSA like the other House Niggers, Nig-Nogs and Uncle Toms that are proudly streaming out of the woodwork.

MR. "T" said...

son of man how are u?

Kenny adan tet jeff ca koupe sevel le


Anonymous said...

Kenny Anthony, you should be ashamed of yourself: 26% unemployment,the mess at the registry,poor housing conditions,high inflation,a moribund educational system...etc,etc...and you have the time to engage in a senseless war of words?!..cut the BS and get to work on improving the lives of the People!!

Anonymous said...

You mean St. Lucians made Allen Chastanet leader of the UWP?


Anonymous said...

Don't get angry at the SLP if they win the general elections in 2016. Get mad at idiots like Guy Joseph, Ezikeiel Joseph and the other hijackers who elect Ti-Chas as the front man!!!

Anonymous said...

Makendal said...
As a child I have had to deal with racist insults on a daily basis hurled at black pupils (me among them) by an Irish nun who was then the head teacher of the Gros Islet Infant school. She called us "pigs" and "niggers" and "savages" with impunity. I thus entered the world with the disturbing realization that I could be scorned and and persecuted for the colour of my skin.I realized very quickly that power and privilege were in the hands of the minority whites while the blacks remained wretchedly poor and marginalized and relegated a position of nonentity. Those were the sixties.Later becoming more conscious of the world outside St lucia and the racial politics of colonialism in Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean, and how non -white people and in particular black people are relegated to positions of powerlessness and degradation. I have seen all my life that whenever whites possess the power in a racially diverse country that non whites, and blacks in particular, are subjected to abuse and degradation and ascribed to the bottom level of social stratification. That is so without exception to this very day. So there is nothing that you can do Mr Bishop to persuade me to repeat the mistakes of history and elect a white man to rule over me. We are still trying to crawl out of the gutters of the past and already you and others are trying to lead us back to trusting political power those people, trying to persuade that it is all good and dandy and that Chastanet would not first and foremost represent the interest of that privileged cream coloured minority who already possess the greater proportion of wealth in this country and who have in not-so-subtle ways frustrated the progress of the darker folk. Mr Bishop you are naive and irresponsible. Our grand children would never forgive us if we were to make the mistake of allowing ourselves to believe that race and class is irrelevant. A close look at our past and recent history and the sociological dynamics of the day suggests that it would be irresponsible, even criminal not to discuss the the racial implications of a Chastanet at the helm in this country.
August 10, 2013 at 4:58 AM

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Mercifully, there are still, some very perceptive people belonging this land of the blind saint, Saint Lucy.

I see absolutely nothing wrong and have absolutely NO APOPOGIES to make to anyone, in DEMANDING that the person selected to be political leader of this country looks ... from now on ... like me and the REMAINING98 PERCENT of us. Anything else at our stage of political development and after thirty years of so-called independence, is an insult to our intelligence.

Moreover, the UWP had at least, one more academically qualified alternative, as in the person of Dr. Rigobert. They had a choice of A FEMALE POSSESSING A MORE DISCIPLINED MIND, A DOCTORATE, and already coming into the picture with another invaluable asset, a seat in the House of Assembly.

She was ignored!

If there is any leader being groomed for the prime minister position, that person must emerge from OUR COMMON EXPERIENCE -- THE common experience of the MAJORITY 98% black population.

She must prove FIRST AND FOREMOST that she can walk a mile in the shoes of OUR 98 percent black population. That she can understand OUR personal aspirations and OUR goals without first having someone interpret those for her.

Bitterly, world history DOCUMENTS repeatedly, THIS INCONTRAVERTIBLE FACT: that NOWHERE on planet earth has people with a greater racial affinity to whites, ever did POLITICALLY represent ... AND above all else ... the goals and aspirations of those of darker hue either as a minority or a majority population! The POLITICAL reality is: NOWHERE and NEVER!

It is an historical fact that we would perpetuate this demeaning of the MAJORITY 98 PERCENT BLACK POPULATION of this country, with this self-destructive and self- demeaning historical trend, if we, in our neck of the woods, continue to ignore this and not heighten our self-awareness, by fighting economic exploitation and relegation, and by preserving our political gains.

The struggle continues.

Anonymous said...

Above @ 5:18 PM: We will make sure you get Robert Mugabe next elections. You deserve Mugabe!

Anonymous said...

Saint Lucians hold such great disdain for other black Saint Lucians. There is no pride, only self-hatred.

I always suspected that as a dominant factor of our political life.

It is no wonder that John Compton's idea that Chastanet says he is going to follow, has handed us a social climate where three or more menacing generations from the 98 percent black population, generate largely unemployable school-leavers whose educational attainment prepares them only to wrap grass, sell grass, smoke grass, murder for grass, and then in STEP and great PRIDE, cut grass.

Anonymous said...

"...wrap grass, sell grass, smoke grass, murder for grass, and then in STEP and great PRIDE, cut grass."

You hit the nail squarely.

I, too, will NOT, NEVER, EVER going to vote for a white man, viz. Allen Chastanet, to be PM over me. Come hell over high waters, ain't gonna happened!!