Saturday, August 10, 2013

Taking St. Lucia in the wrong direction


Anonymous said...

Saint Lucia has NEVER EVER been a democracy. It is just plain wishful thinking together with blithe unsophisticated baseless drivel on the part of those who trot out the opposite.

The good-riddance independence constitution handed down to us, enshrines a CONSTITUTIONAL DICTATOR for every prime minister. Those who know the difference are fully aware of this fact.

Every thinking person who has given our condition any deep thought, would be well aware that best we can ever hope for, granted the mentality evidenced recently from our historical Stockholm Syndrome (falling in love with your captors and your physical and mental abusers) practiced from slavery (when Saint Lucians hid and protected their French slavers from their British ones) is a benevolent dictatorship.

That is why, up to this very day, a very large majority of the population is willing to ever forgive the extreme misdeeds of every prime minister, hoping that out of the goodness of her/his heart, the country will somehow succeed.

Saint John Compton, the idol and god of this country, for some, is a case in point.

No thought is ever given to the creation of greater checks and balances with constitutional mechanisms, developed to shore up the weakness of a series of grave ministerial excesses. In fact, the reported excesses -- if they ever come to light (It will be alright in the Morning) --- are always excused, and glossed over. One is always confronted with such inanities like 'Who is without sin cast the first stone') especially if the perpetrator is of the party the person belongs to.

Our recent history with the real goons, slime-balls, ex-convicts, drug barons, liars before the OECS Appeals Court, and doctors selling the patients records, plus an ENTIRE CABINET, abusing parliamentary privileges by granting illegal tax concessions to a fellow cabinet member, was ignored by the rank and file membership of the UWP.

But it gets worse. For some of those miscreants, party positions in the hierarchy were even upgraded!

Saint Lucians will one day rue their callous indifference to the ethical and moral decay in the society and their political immaturity regarding the body politic. Inevitably, the rain will fall, unfortunately both on the godly and the ungodly.

The writings are on the wall. John Compton generated three generations of school-leavers mostly capably of managing the wrapping of grass, the selling of grass and the smoking of grass.

The chickens are already coming home to roost. ALBA therefore for us, is just simply another ALBA-tross.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Fedee, with all due respect I am really saddened by your perverted mind. Your argument is riddled with lies, falsehoods, superficiality, etc. If you really want to critique the current administration why don't you do it with facts. Why are you spewing these venomous attacks. It serves no purpose but to mislead the gullible. Mr. Fedee, if you want to sound credible please rid yourself of the hatred for Kenny and the SLP. I know it may be very difficult for you to do but please try. You always sound very bitter and write in an angry tone. Your animosity is counterproductive and will eventually consume you. Now, let me inform you that the people of the Spanish countries of ALBA you just cited are doing much better than they have ever done before. There is a more equitable distribution of wealth in those countries than ever before. The contradiction which exists in capitalism, that is, extreme wealth on one hand and abject poverty on the other has been bridged in the ALBA countries. Free health care and education have been provided for the people of those countries. Infant mortality is on the decline in those countries while it is on the rise in the United States. Oh Mr. Fedee, I pity you. Do you have no shame sir. Don't you know it is imperative to make a comparative analysis whenever you are addressing the question of economics. If you were serious you would have compared the ALBA with the non-ALBA countries and draw a serious conclusion. But what you have done is sophomoric, immature, and hopeless. I do not mean to sound condescending but please in future do some research before showing your ignorance on a subject beyond your capability.


THANK U @ 3:18PM!!!
I Almost believe Jeff.

I am about going on retirement next year (by God's grace) with the hope of investing my gratuity, but after reading Jeff's heart and care 4 his people (that is if he have a heart/hat)I became very worried.

now u have brought back hope 2 my weak heart thanks.

Anonymous said...

Excellent Article. Time will tell. There is too much to say on this Kenny Anthony dictatorial and oppresive Regime in St. Lucia; but I will do this on the airwaves in due course.

Anonymous said...

The opinion of the rating agencies will have some effect on potential investors. However, I do not believe the devaluation thesis. Not that it is impossible. The economic benefits are dubious at best; the downsides are horrible.

Devaluation is a recommendation most suitable for export-oriented economies. On balance, when the percentage of inputs going into our exports (fertilizer and hotel sector requirements/supplies), the fact that devaluation will make these, all the more difficult to afford, and not necessarily make our exports cheaper and no more competitive, this renders moot, the benefits of the devaluation recommendation.

Although almost standard fare for the IMF, unless the measure if implemented, is a guise for gaining back sums borrowed from that institution, with its representative becoming a virtual staff member sitting inside or just outside the Ministry of Finance, the call is unlikely. Unlikely, simply because of the litany of failed IMF devaluations recommendations around the world. Jamaica and Trinidad are regional examples of the danger of the downward free-fall spiral in terms of the control of negative expectations.

Besides, countries with a more favourable economic position, can decide to opt out of the OECS currency area.

Nonetheless, one still has to ask the unanswered questions regarding any stated or implied military provision of the ALBA Accord/Agreement.

The PM recently visited Cuba. We are reminded that the so-called Cuban workers volunteered to Grenada, turned out to be soldiers defending the airport they were building in support of the failed coup by the communists Bernard Coard et al. Today, Maurice Bishop's body has yet to be recovered or discovered from the mayhem that resulted from flirting with Cuban-styled communism. Recall: China today, like North Korea is still a communist country.

Anonymous said...

good article with interesting views on possible impacts on our country.

Son-of-man said...


Fedee's attempt at inciting riots against the government of Saint Lucia headed Dr. Antony, exposes the histrionics of a deranged Lucian.

Consider the opening arguments of this effete intellectual citing “inaccessibility of funds” from the USA, referred to by this mental invalid Mutt & Jeff as “democratic Western countries” , which he then followed by his condemnation of the very countries victimized, plundered, and destabilized by the USA's CIA, an organization notorious for murdering and overthrowing Democratically elected Governments and installing Dictators like Pinochet, to keep the masses of the populations in abject poverty for the benefit of the Multi-National Corporations.

Where was this Retard Fedee when the magnanimous leader Chavez of Venezuela was overthrown by the CIA because Chavez helped too many poor peoples?

Someone said: “Understand your antagonist before you answer him”. So I am asking myself, “How does one responds to the never ending delirium of Fedee?” LA TOC!

Anonymous said...

Fedee has not yet made up his mind to tell the whole truth, which is that Saint Lucia has gone in the wrong direction since the collapse of the banana industry under John Compton.

Has not made up his mind to tell the unvarnished truth, that John Compton and his broomstick cabinet members created generations of school leavers best able to be obvious candidates for STEP. So this left Kenny Anthony little choice but to camouflage the disguised unemployment of STEP for some three or four generations whose minimal career and education skills limits them to learning only to wrap grass, sell grass, smoke grass, kill for grass, and to cut grass.

He has not made up his mind to tell the unvarnished truth too on the UWP cabal that passed for a government. He shut his holy orifice very tightly shut, on the record of, on average, one murder per week, a drug baron operating from straight within the cabinet of the Government of Saint Lucia, a US ex-convict as foreign minister, a functional illiterate and country bookie holding down a ministry, another MP selling what should have remained the private medical records of patients for profit, his unelected Khaki God heading a ministry
with questionable testimony before the Appellate Court Hearing on the Tuxedo Affair, an entire cabinet of a government leaking funds by way of a Cabinet Paper, to a fellow Cabinet member. And to all of this, he kept that orifice quite well shut.

Such wide-ranging and continuing duplicity clearly identifies who is part of the problem in this country of ours, and who is not part of the solution.

Anonymous said...


““OUR” major concern in Saint Lucia””??? Who is this “OUR”?? Fedee and whom? OK, Fedee Narcissism, and Self aggrandizement; got it.


Anonymous said...

The mess at the Civil Registry needs equal attention!

Anonymous said...

The entire civil service has gone into a rut. I strongly believe that the skills there need to be substantially upgraded in all departments.

John Compton's social engineering, like China's one-child policy is coming back to haunt us. The notion of simply moving experienced people out, just to make room for younger folk -- but without first ensuring that they have all the requisite skill-sets has turned out to be a plaster and cover for the vacuity of ideas for a strategic way forward for the entire country.

We never ever even came close to mimicking the Taiwanese model of development emerging out Compton's plus years in office!

Today, we see incumbents see their jobs in the civil service as a paycheck, with little or no commitment to dedicated national service per se.

In recent history, those in the CSA for example, could not even properly argue their case in public regarding their wage negotiations. No point of view was ever well articulated and/or backed up by relevant data.

What a pathetic display of lack of negotiating strategy and position that was!

The country is dying. The country is dying to get someone, NOT with a party agenda as be all and end all of his or her political objective, but one with a national agenda. We need someone, BOTH willing and able to bring ALL Saint Lucians behind a strategic vision of efficiency and effectiveness for individual wealth creation and NATIONAL GREATNESS.

There is no such person on the political landscape today that CAN and will do that as yet.

LLL said...

Blah..Blah...Blah....Blah....!!!! Jeff, I read your entire article and all you do is complain and criticize. You have nothing to offer Saint Lucia in this article. You offer no solutions, no alternatives, no constructive criticism; and that is simply ills of Lucian's like yourself who just love to brag, brag, brag and feel good about it. If you didn't get the memo from the time you were dismissed by all previous governments. Let me put it simply, you are again FIRED!! Now, Move on.....