Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The VAT on Medicine Debate


Anonymous said...

No damn discussion needed, just reduce or remove the VAT on some, if not most prescription medication. All the talk about discussion is only to buy time and hoping people will soon get used to pay. That's politicians for you, all liars.

KennyASS said...

Why the hell is there VAT on medicines??? This is inhumane. The PM could bleat and blot all over the place, VAT should not be imposed on medicines - Period.

NOT A MASSA said...

This is St. Lucia - PARADISE. If people just take time and understand how this works...who needs medicine the most? That's right the elderly - the most vulnerable. Kenny and Tony just cannot relate with the lay man. I hope he gets the damn boot come next election.

Anonymous said...

NOT A MASSA, I fully agree with you. However, St. Lucians are just very forgetful people. Take for instance ALVA - a "son of the soil" who is willing to work for the people of Laborie. It is amazing how accessible he was - before elections. Now this gentleman is so snobbish and arrogant.

Anonymous said...

Arrogance have taken hold of all of them. WHERE IS THE INVISIBLE MINISTER OF TOURISM???
A lot of talk about Chastanet who is not elected, but no mention of the Tourism Minister.

Anonymous said...

Chastanet is oh so for the black disadvantaged people in Saint Lucian society. My God! It hurts. It pains.

It really pulls at the strings of your very heart to see how so deeply he feels for them. That is why, first thing he did after he got his break from his own unemployment by Saint John Compton, was to kick the backsides of all the Soufriere workers out of a job, and straight into unemployment.

Anonymous said...

I concur! Kenny should listen to the voice of reason and remove VAT on all pharmaceutical products. It is not only good policy but also good politics for him to comply with the wishes of the UWP and the health administrators. He should have never implemented VAT on medicines in the first place. Hubris should be set aside and good judgment should prevail.

Anonymous said...

Are you better off today than you were two years ago?
What a silly question, you say; well not very silly when you consider the promises made by the SLP that if you voted for Labour, there would be BETTER DAYS AHEAD. I'm still waiting, maybe I'm the silly one.

Anonymous said...

Arrogance have taken hold of all of them. WHERE IS THE INVISIBLE MINISTER OF TOURISM???
A lot of talk about Chastanet who is not elected, but no mention of the Tourism Minister.

Boy am I happy that the Minister of Tourism is less visible, rather than just trying at each and every turn, to gain some public relations advantage, or to exploit avenues and opportunities for such. A relentless PR marketing and gimmicky blitzkrieg is evident everywhere.

I hope that the SLP has seen this obvious PR onslaught that the UWP is currently conducting as just a substitute for its total disrespect of the parliament. It is just lamentable that the House, the highest decision-making body in the state is so overwhelmingly sidelined by the Opposition, as the locus for discussing the people's business in this country.

It is remarkable too, that in the wisdom of the country bookie members of the UWP hierarchy, they have elected that the main spokesperson of their party be reduced to making PR noises from the outside of the House looking in.

Happily, the yachting initiative undertaken, where the Minister has been busying himself lately, has the HUGE POTENTIAL for RAMPING UP the country's tourism sector. More importantly, it has the potential to DISTANCE this economy from the other tourism destinations in the ENTIRE region!

Congratulations Mr. Minister for engaging is such out-of-the-box forward thinking!

Anonymous said...

There should not be any VAT on medicines period. I listen to the news and lately I hear the SLP asking Chastenet to do this and do that and work together etc. Why the heck is Chastenet being asked to do anything? We have a government. Shouldn't they be the ones making policy to fix the issues we are facing? These politicians suck, all of them.

Anonymous said...

This could have been such an interesting article with information on the other islands that have implemented VAT and how they went about it. I don't think the other islands have VAT on medicine, but this article could have been more indepth.

Anonymous said...

We are paying rather lower prices than we should, had it not been for the existence of the Drug Formulary with help from the OECS agency on the Morne. Therefore, some types, especially those treating chronic diseases should be exempted. But not all should be. Otherwise, the government would lose too much revenue.

There is a high risk too, of the encouragement of an illicit trade in certain drugs that can be developed, if certain psychiatric or cancer-related palliative medications become too cheap in Saint Lucia than in other countries. Then the drugs and medications become subsidized for foreigners.