Saturday, August 3, 2013

Three Very Disturbing Issues….


Anonymous said...

When will this man ever ran out of turds to put out?

Anonymous said...

He will stop when there is no more the need for crumbs. When he goes 6 ft. under. Until then, the man need to eat, cou-mar; sar-yeah-are!!

Bray, Jojose, Bray...the more brays, the more crumbs!

Anonymous said...

What is really wrong with Josie? All what Josie is talking about is not new, they were all there when Chastanet was in government for 5 yrs. Chastanet could not do anything about it then, all he did was to travel on our taxes and pay Heppelles to do his work. So we expect him to solve anything now.

Anonymous said...

What is really wrong with Josie? All what Josie is talking about is not new, they were all there when Chastanet was in government for 5 yrs. Chastanet could not do anything about it then, all he did was to travel on our taxes and pay Heppelles to do his work. So we expect him to solve anything now.

MR. "T" said...

dear jesus put a hand. I am telling u 2 come down now, if u cant hear my cry then I will go 2 satan denmou peter Josie and cast him into the pit of ever lasting fire which u has prepare 4 him before the foundation of this world. this piece of VACUOUS VAGABOND IS A DAMN vampire. sucking s*ssss***u**ck+t*/+ shit from his massa's aaaaaaaaaaassss.

Anonymous said...

Josie is writting for his little sack of groceries.

DaProdigalSon said...

It's rather sad and a damned shame that none of the above comments have any focus on the truths spoken in this article. Stop focusing on the messenger. Refrain from partisan tendencies. Are you blind? BOSL is in trouble, the registry's service is a farce. Most St Lucians live below the breadline, yet all you can do is criticise Josie. Bunch of jokers and ignoramuses. 'Cwapo will smoke your pipes'...if you've got any pipes left. Get real and face the real issues. Then again this island has become a place of 'keeping up appearances'. Big cars, homes, loans and overdrafts 'ka patay sek' whether or not they can be afforded. Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

u and Josie are of the same f****ki****ng house nigger's club.

Anonymous said...

2:17 PM what truth you talking about? These problems Josie is talking were all there when Chastanet was a minister of government for five long yrs,and he was being from our taxes. What did he do about them? So how being leader we expect anything from him? What did he achieved as tourism minister? Chastanet is such a political nut he cannot even win a seat with all the government resources available to him, how you ever expect him to win an election in St Lucia?

Anonymous said...

I meant 2:16 PM.

Anonymous said...

"It's rather sad and a damned shame that none of the above comments have any focus on the truths spoken in this article. Stop focusing on the messenger. Refrain from partisan tendencies. Are you blind? BOSL is in trouble, the registry's service is a farce. Most St Lucians live below the breadline, yet all you can do is criticise Josie. Bunch of jokers and ignoramuses"

All that I see up there in that quote are square pegs in round holes. Is Mr. Alexander a banker? Really. How did he qualify for this post? Is it family connections, political contributions, or just friendship with party bosses?

Anonymous said...

he squander our tourism dollar Especially when he brought the Florida cruise association to st lucia in October of 2009, After Delegates paid to the fcca from $900 to over $1000.00. Yet still who paid almond grove to host them, who paid for all the entertainment, food and transportation, how much money did he turn out and pay them in return.
They was suppose to go to another country and was rejected because of demands, Mr Josie with all respect to him should educate lucians about the truths if he so care for them and not for his pocket.
Under chastenet as minister he was horrible he was one among them in the uwp with no vision. mr chastenet is phony and deceiving st lucians cant trust him. How about when he think he can buy his way into Soufriere, All the taiwanies money in Soufriere what did he do, who was benefiting from it. Litten Lamontagne and eroline till they bought a piece of land at fond cacoa, illtreating and under paying workers.
Just A few to mention, How about when he lied before the court.
Mr Josie if you love fair Helen do what is right and not for what you can get.

Anonymous said...

Josie, your relevancy (if you ever were relevant, in the first instance, which I very much doubt), has long since faded into the sepia toned past.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps we can recall Allans statement after loosing his election at soufriere:
This is the end of my political adventure.

Why the turn around? A man a word?
Can you trust someone who break his word :-((

Anonymous said...

Three disturbing issues ...

The writer is brimful of turds.
The writer will expel some more turds.
The writer seems to be in love with his turds.

DaProdigalSon said...

Call me what you like. 'House nigger', slave, whatever. Your comments show your ignorance. How do you know my race? Have we met? This further enforces my point. Most of you choose to focus on irrelevance while the country sinks into a pit of despair, corruption, ignorance and immobility. Good luck. Stand by your comments, keep cussing Josie, think about the next set of 'maypwee' to dish out and I honestly hope that you can find a way forward. I've got a business to run and a family to look after, so I'm unable to waste anymore time on this blog. This is your funeral, not mine. One love

Anonymous said...

House Niggers and Uncle Toms running?