Tuesday, December 31, 2013



Son-of-man said...



If a person really wants to know the true metal of the individual, observe that person during a catastrophe.

Kenny, if anyone is deserving of commendations and accolades because of the way they handled this calamity, it is you Kenny Antony because of the leadership you displayed on the day of the calamity into the night, taking time to stop at the Radio Station after what must have been a gruelling day to inform everyone about the true condition of the damages suffered by Lucians.

Kenny, your performance was stellar, so thank you, and my Allah continue to guide you in these difficult times.



Anonymous said...

What a joke? If all systems and personal were working at optimal and this happened. Good Lord!

Something is 'funny' -then again that's St.Lucia where no one take responsibility,-not NEMO, not the Met office, not Ministry for infrastructure. Every thing is honky dorie!! Seriously, heads should roll!!

MR. "T" said...
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Anonymous said...

That T person sounds like the US Tea Party. Loaded with country-bookie ignorance.

MR."T" said...

I am just like your wife/husband.
but u are a potty brain.

MR. "T" 2 U.

Anonymous said...

It's a prime time to show one's patriotism. Do something for your country and get prised.

Anonymous said...

Just one big public relations exersize.

Nothing went wrong. Nemo come under kenny's portfolio so we must spin that they did everything right.

A 200 million dollar plane almost crashed at Hewanorra but nothing for dat!.

Cover up after cover up just like a government employee transacting state property to a Texas oilman when it was not under his jurisdiction. Why is the AG not bringing criminal charges against that 'servant of the people'! Instead like a fully propagandized people we talkin about who winning in the arbitration case.

Son-of-man said...


Individuals who are honest and objective will without hesitation give credit to the Government under the leadership of Kenny Anthony. The quick “Boots-on-the-Ground” response by the various departments was NOT a FLUKE, but the result of advanced Planning and Preparations.

Unlike a Hurricane which telegraphs its intensity and time of arrival this “Phantom Hurricane” Tropical disturbance sent no such advance information to Saint Lucia, St. Vincent and Dominica, and struck like “Phantom Lightening”.

Saint Lucia led by Dr. Anthony was “off the ropes” and responded with such efficiency, that while the other islands were even aware of what had struck them, this Government had already taken actions to mitigate the damages caused by this Phantom.

So while the petty narcissist like the Ninny-Philosopher-Weightlifter, and the disgruntled Jeff and Peter will continue their slandering traducing agenda, you Lucians should be God-fearing and stop the Back-biting, thanking God for this Good leadership in this "Valley of the Shadow of death".

Garçon, what I really wanted to say, was how well Michah George reported this information – do you know how difficult it is to read an article advertised as a story about how Bush and FEMA were disastrous in their response to Katrina, with all their money and technology, but instead be inundated with a personal history of a narcissist – “I used to walk on the beach Naked, I am the only reporter in Lucia who is not afraid of idiots like Lacorbinier, I am this, I, I, I Am That I Am” OK, god! enough already.

thanks Micah, excellent story/reporting.


Son-of-man said...


An intelligent person should utilizer various sources of knowledge when being “informed” about anything. Do you know of, or remember what happened when Hurricane Katrina struck the richest and most technologically advanced country in the World, the United States of America?

The economic damage inflicted by this Hurricane to the area of Louisiana alone, amounted to 105,000,000,000 x 2.6 = $273,000,000,000 ( yes 273 billion dollars).

Now people, here is a Nation with all kinds of Satellites, planes, Drones, Weather Balloons, submarines, and NO ONE was foolish enough to ask USA, “Didn't you see this Coming?” We know with certainty that the Bush Administration was an abject failure in their response to a hurricane which had sent them notices for days, unlike the immediate actions of the Kenny Anthony Administration which moved quickly to arrest the suffering and mitigate the damage of this “Sucker Punch” Storm.

As usual, I turn to the intelligent readers of this Newspaper of Record whenever I seek help, and I need it here, and ask you: How sanctimonious is this disgusting attempt by the Narcissistic Ninny to Blame the Government of Kenny Anthony for not putting a man on the Moon and asking this self-serving question for political expediency? Let me quote this La-ja-bles:

“What’s the difference between equipment “compromised” and equipment that’s “down.” We could not contact NEMO personnel for clarification. Is NEMO saying the operators in Martinique were “severely hampered?”

“Meanwhile, there is much speculation here regarding the real reason NEMO “could not predict” the Christmas Eve downpour that lasted “into the early hours of December 25, 2013—and claimed at least two lives.”

This Narcissist is even more sick than I thought, his dysfunction has morphed to a snake-like anger on steroids, where the tongue has replaced the penile functions, from which none is safe, and his bite has infected the Chastanet Boloms.


Son-of-battyman said...

Praise be to Kenny, I love you so much. You never do anything wrong at all. I am all yours.

MR. "T" said...

@ 11:30am
u are a buller every body knows that about u!!!!

your batty is over bat so Kenny don't want it.

yes I might consider using it as a dates target board.
I surly will hit the bull.
go u little nasty get some Vaseline.

Anonymous said...

These bloggers if St. Lucian; then this is a very poor image of your country.

Remember we on the outside of St. Lucia read these things.

And this kind of communication do not encourage visitors to your country.

Anonymous said...

Blogger above; just ignore the comments of the ignorant because you cant fix ignorance and we know that. I enjoy the most intelligent post from Son-of-man and some realistic others. Let me apologize for the country having too many of the "ignorant bloggers" who only visualize along party lines.