Tuesday, December 24, 2013



Anonymous said...

Hope, Saint Lucia is on a roll with this one. Ordinary Saint Lucians will take it on the chin, if the country lands on the wrong side of any future developments.

We hope King Midas learns from his mistakes. Lord, we hope so.

MR. "T" said...

@ above u are now singing another song from your but-end.

let u hear from all of those KENNY----HATTERS!!!!!!!!!!


U HOPE???? hope is a-motorboat.

congratulation 2 all St. Lucians who keep the faith in the leadership of Dr. Kenny D Anthony and the truth that he stand 4.

He is truly the best and the hardest leader this Country ever have.

before YOU U W PPPPP harks bark at me I will say 2 u: check and remove your stinking eye-waxxxxxxx.

INDEED I AM AN S L P DIE-HARD---------------'hark"

Anonymous said...

Chacun a son gout. I am not religious. I bow down before no graven image, or for that matter, any idol either dead or alive.

Anonymous said...

2nd blogger here is so foolish. I hope he never gets out of his stupidity.

You really think that we all should be grateful to Kenny for getting us in that kind of financial trouble? This is nothing to cheer about. It's not over and anyone who thinks that St Lucia is going to walk out of this unscaved is fool.
There are plenty of eggs yolk over Kenny's face. What a fool!!!

MR. "T" said...
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Anonymous said...

Can the Voice Editor please delete above comment from such a sick and hateful individual.

I just don't understand my St Lucian folks. They can't disagree without going south.

How pathetic and ignorant.

MR. "T" said...


Your above statement just prove 2 the world that u are the one and only one that is a potty and sick person.
u are nothing but a pouffe brain.

Anonymous said...

The really issue for us St. Lucians; is to get FULL DISCLOSURE on this matter of GRENBERG and the Government of Saint Lucia; who we St. Lucians placed them there in Office; to conduct OUR (ST. lUCIAN) AFFAIRS for the time specified.

We must as a matter of grave importance know the full details of the matter with GRENBERG; since nothing had not been brought to the Parliament for the requisite discussion by our relevant Parliamentary Representatives.

Kenny Anthony has not been responsible and accountable to us St. Lucians on this matter. There has been absolutely no transparency there.

For instance; we must hear from Kenny Anthony as Prime Minister; whether it is he or is it the Governor General who has authority under the Law of Saint Lucia; to have granted such approvals to GRENBERG ; under the relevant provision of the respective Ordinance.

Now Kenny Anthony has contracted several high-paying international lawyers at the expense of the St. Lucia Public Treasury Funds; which is another absolute WASTAGE and NEGLIGENCE of OUR FUNDS.

He cannot now pay anyone; when neither we St. Lucians nor our representatives in the Parliament ever heard of this matter from Kenny Anthony.

I hope the folks at the GOVERNMENT TREASURY know to IGNORE payment to anyone relating to this GRENBERG MATTER.

And if Kenny Anthony in any form cause funds to be paid from St. Lucian Government Treasury; or any other source of funds belonging to the Government of Saint Lucia; then we must take Kenny Anthony to the COURTS to ACCOUNT; and to pay back whatever he authorized to pay.

Enough money has been WASTED and whatever else by Kenny Anthony.He must be made to account.


And these Journalists must DO THEIR JOBS and DO IT WELL.

Anonymous said...

Our Prime Ministers like the Chief Ministers in the colonial era, have always acted as if the local Treasury Department were an offshoot, working with Grants from the British Colonial Office. And so local taxes become comingled in this continuing gross financial mismanagement and irresponsibility.

Notice that no MP has had the skill to total the funding of various ministries, over, say a five-year period, or for special projects over the years, and ask the pertinent question. This being, did the country get value for money for all the monies spent.

There is no evidence, even up to this day, that anyone has displayed any sense of operating within the parameters of their legal fiduciary obligations.

The National Treasury therefore today is regarded, as little more than the PM's and the elected and selected ministers' Piggy Bank.

There is no accountability. No discipline. They do as they please, willy-nilly.

Arrogantly, they write the checks, and the hapless taxpayers pay through their noses, with the levied taxes, the latest example being the VAT.

Little wonder, with a critical mass of reprobates elected en masse into office, we saw the engineering of the leaching of monies from the National Treasury in the form of the Tuxedo Affair, and see why untold millions from International Grant Funds to Saint Lucia in the last years of the last administration, still remain formally unaccounted for. Some may die before, if ever, the truth comes to light.

Anonymous said...

The Minister for Finance in Saint Lucia must provide St. Lucians with FULL DISCLOSURE on the matter of GRENBERG.

Furthermore; no monies ought to be paid by the Government Treasury Department relating to anything concerning GRENBERG.

The Accountant General would be at fault to honour any such payments.

The Civil/Public Servants must conduct themselves in the manner provided by the FINANCE ACT to prevent politicians including the Minister for Finance from utilizing funds from the treasury for which there is no basis to do so; and particularly; we who place funds in the treasury through our hard-earned payments via taxes knew NOTHING/NADA about this GRENBERG AFFAIR.

Anonymous said...

Wins first round? Did we in St. Lucia know about this Oil exploration deal? We knew nothing.

Was the approval granted; LEGAL under the relevant ORDINANCE on St. Lucia's Statute Books? Is it a Prime Minister or is it the Governor General who can approve such applications?

Why did St. Lucians not be told by the Prime Minister who allegedly signed/approved that transaction?

So we do not need to know about any such FIRST ROUND.

What we need to know is whether the Treasury Department is paying out any monies for a transaction no one in the Ministry of Finance was a part of; and what are the fees charged by the several lawyers Kenny Anthony has secures services from; presumably in the name of the Government of Saint Lucia.

Then we can start any discussion.

Anonymous said...

His Arrogance, King Midas in Reverse has won the first round. Who pays for this and the other rounds?

When will financial foolishness stop in this godforsaken country? Now that the skies have opened up once again, and have taken some six lives rendering at least two bridges unusable what's next?

Will we now have to clear and reuse the old French dirt road to Castries?

MR. "T" said...

to U all u w ppppppp's bloggers shut----your!

back all u want u all gravel brain
idols unmovable stone fools who go pay back u ask?




HA HA ---PUSH----IT----UP----YOUR!!!

Anonymous said...

The United Wreckers of The Poor took millions to benefit themselves and their cronies, Millions was given after the passage of Tomas, Where was these moneys spent, After the St Jude fire Millions was given, where did and on what did they spend it all, Millions was given to each of the UWP ministers for their constituency, Where did they spend it and are there anything to show that the millions by the then UWP Government has been accounted for. So Please UWP fricks Give jack his Jacket

Anonymous said...

Blogger above; as Saint Lucians; if we are to advance in any form; we must not think that because UWP worms did wrong; so the SLP worms can be excused.

WRONG is wrong. Both parties and the politicians from both sides need to be brought to light and exposed for their corruption and dishonest acts.

That is the bottom line. Don't vote for frigging party; vote for your AILING Country.

Anonymous said...

I dunno who told these chaps that they can run a modern economy on basis of a one-sided view of one in-house qualified economist. Now imagine this chap giving advice to a paper-pushing blustering academic lawyer who does not know bull cow from bull foot about the subject. You fellows are pathetic jokers!

Anonymous said...

How many more rounds? How many money lawyers? How many more thousands of dollars are going to be sucked into that chap's creation of Saint Lucia's financial black-hole or economic vortex?