Saturday, December 28, 2013

Update on Disaster


Son-of-man said...


Ms. Browne,

Your consistent concern and activity to improve the social well-being of your fellowman, lends credence to the expressions of your words of sympathy and encouragement, unlike the hollow condolences of those individuals, being in a position to address a problem that is visited upon Lucians at least annually, chose to pursue what was more politically attractive.

The deluge of crocodile tears by these pathetic self-serving parasitic politicians caused the death by drowning of these Lucians.

I want to emphasize that I do not include Kenny Anthony among these crocodiles, as his personal efforts to address flooding in the lives of these mal-ley-weys was captured here only two weeks ago.

may Allah reward you Ms. Browne with a tremendous reward for your good.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wonder in the middle of tragegy why some people can't be humble and not make themself the center of attraction. This woman can't pass on an opportunity to promote herself on every turn. Talk about Flavia, this girl is worst.

Son-of-man said...


Ms. Browne

I am sure you are well acquainted with the vicious character of many Lucians, but let me remind you that these ignorant and backward slaves of White Supremacy, have been taught to hate beautiful and progressive Black women like yourself and Mary Francis, based on the teachings that it was the woman who caused the man to disobey God, and because of this “evil” woman Eve, we were inflicted with the inundation of December 24, Hurricane Tomas, and World War- I and 2.

We know of your intense and continuous struggle to end the violence and oppression of the female. As if this task were not sufficiently difficult, you also struggle to aid the many young people to aim and attain success, by way of your solid record of generosity and kindness.

This Negro at 10:13 would never have made these remarks if you were a Caucasian Pirate named Elizabeth-II. These Negroes hate themselves and anything that reminds themselves of their own emasculation, and are quick to resort to hostility against the Black Woman while they lust after Caucasian/white women.

If these miscreants are not beating their wives and children with tree-limbs, and “baton-balyeh”, you will find them running over poultry, and defenseless pedestrians with automobiles or throwing hot-oil on stray cats and dogs.

Knowing Lucians like I do, I would not be surprised that Negro 10:13 is an envious “friend” of yours, throwing stones at you from the glass-house of ambiguity.

Mary & Felicia Dance to this:


Anonymous said...

Since when does Ms. Browne fit in the same category as Ms. Mary Francis. Ms. Francis has paid her dues to society. What has Ms. Browne done? I agree with the blogger before you. Ms. Browne just loves to be loved. Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

Thank you writer; I support those sentiments.

Anonymous said...

The Saint Lucian male, often born out of an accident, is really a natural disaster! Misogynistic to the hilt.

Anonymous said...

Yes 7:51

captured succinctly!


Question is, where and who taught them this savagery?

I call it sickness, but you have defined the Psychological Disorder.

Anonymous said...

Felicia Browne, is just an opportunists, posting all over the internet seeking recognition and fame for doing nothing.

Just imagine while St. Lucians are suffering from the aftermath of the Dec. 24, 2013 storm, Ms. Browne is busy posting on her FB page issues about how occupying Mars will be in the future.

Will some please tell me how can discussions about travel to Mars can help St. Lucians recover from their misery?
If you ask me, the dame is nothing but a façade.