Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Barbados Example

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bloody Hell! I did not even read past the place in this article which said that Kenny Anthony said that the country does not take in enough revenue to pay its expenditure.

For crying out loud; WHY DON'T THE JOURNALISTS in St. Lucia not DIG DEEP; into the GOVERNMENT's EXPENDITURES.

You can make all the money in the world; but if you SPEND RECKLESSLY; AND IRRESPONSIBLY that is what must be examined with a very FINE TOOTH COMB.

This country cannot bear ANY FURTHER TAXATION!

What Government must do is to CONTROL EXPENDITURES. Stop feeding party supporters with all kinds of ways to get money.


We must hold Kenny Anthony to account on ANY EXPENDITURE to do with GRENBERG. And the Treasury MUST NOT PAY ONE BLIND CENT for such expenditures.

In fact; a group of concerned non-partisan persons need to take Kenny Anthony to court for any expenditure on GRENBERG and we MUST demand a full independent INQUIRY by persons overseas with known credibility.