Jail all those clowns for impersonating a country's leaders and let us put in some new faces to run this country and change they way in which we debate serious issues. It was such a shame to see our so called leaders behaving like little animals that just got freed from the zoo. Such a shame I tell you.
Kenny thinks he really smart. All the noise from him, Pierre, Claudius, etc.,indicate fear. A poor attempt to divert people's attention. Why did he not encourage Charles,Finistere - key subjects of enquiry - to take the stand. Now they are trying to pool the wool over our eyes. No garcon!
I wish we were still a British territory like the Cayman Islands so the UK can dissolve parliament and take over the Island, the corruption would be gone.
ou wer croix moin?
this is so laughable it ain'f funny no more. ST Lucia house of comedy!!! starring who?
Jail all those clowns for impersonating a country's leaders and let us put in some new faces to run this country and change they way in which we debate serious issues. It was such a shame to see our so called leaders behaving like little animals that just got freed from the zoo. Such a shame I tell you.
Kenny thinks he really smart. All the noise from him, Pierre, Claudius, etc.,indicate fear. A poor attempt to divert people's attention. Why did he not encourage Charles,Finistere - key subjects of enquiry - to take the stand. Now they are trying to pool the wool over our eyes. No garcon!
I wish we were still a British territory like the Cayman Islands so the UK can dissolve parliament and take over the Island, the corruption would be gone.
This whole government should be arrested, and thrown in jail, enough is enough. We have have had enough scandals.
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