Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Senator Kennedy moves on … Can Obama fulfil his dream?



Anonymous said...

Before we go along the road of praising the scamp known as Ted Kennedy here is the truth.

In the summer of 1987 Kennedy delivered his intemperate tirade against Robert Bork’s nomination to the Supreme Court and brazenly lied to his colleagues and the American people and get away with it. Not little fibs, or broken promises, or private dissimulations. Ted Kennedy raised — that is to say, he dramatically lowered — the standard by standing up on the floor of the Senate and emitting one lie after the next against one of the finest legal minds America has ever produced. “Robert Bork’s America,” he said
“is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit down at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists would be censored at the whim of government, and the doors of the Federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is often the only protector of the individual rights that are the heart of democracy.”
A breathtaking congeries of falsehoods that, were they not protected by the prerogatives of senatorial privilege, would have taken a conspicuous place in the annals of malicious slander and character assassination. He contributed immeasurably to the cheapening of American political discourse.

After entering Harvard University in May 1951 he had a friend take his Spanish language examination for him. The two were quickly caught and expelled but because he came from the Kennedy clan he was allowed to re enter in a couple years.
But of course, Ted Kennedy’s most important lesson for the world involved Mary Jo Kopechne, the secretary he let drown in 1969 when he drove his car off a bridge at Chappaquiddick Island late at night after a party. It turned out after that she may have been alive for up to two hours after Kennedy LEFT THE SCENE , because there was an air pocket at the back of the car. He never reported the event for up to 10 hours and the girl may have lived had he immediately sought help for her.
As somebody said the appropriate statement about Kennedy should be “Edward M. Kennedy, “Liar, cheat, drunk, philanderer, and — let’s not forget — inadvertent murderer.”
The tsunami of sentimental pap about Kennedy is already churning, gushing, rushing to inundate the public with a nauseating and untruthful fairy tale about the “Lion of the Senate.” The Lyin’ in the Senate is more like it. Kennedy was 77 when he was taken off last night, Mary Jo Kopechne had just turned 29 when Kennedy’s car veered off the bridge in Chappaquiddick and he wriggled free and swam to shore, leaving the young woman trapped in the car to drown.
As somebody concluded about Kennedy’s legislative history. “There is not one thing he proposed that deals with helping people who actually work for a living, or a business, or promoting capitalism. It is an absolute litany of destructive liberalism. He is the absolute worst.”

Anonymous said...

How can you keep beating up a dead man? You lowlife...

Anonymous said...

Typical vicious responce of a liberal when the truth of one of their icons is exposed.
The liberal media pontificates with utter lies about Kennedy and the liberal drones do not like the truth. Precisely why the previous poster can deny nothing but can only lash out with vicious bile. This is why we fail in St. Lucia and our politics. We do not care for the truth but decade after decade just sprout the lies that keep us enslaved and our people down.

Anonymous said...

The man is dead, can you at least give him some respect? Have you lost anyone in your family? Have some compassion you cold blooded person.

Anonymous said...

To show you how sick liberals are and those who support liberal politicians. There is a major white female liberal in the USA who said that the woman who was killed when Kennedy drove off the bridge may have been quite happy to have died so that he could then go on to have a great career.

This is the kind of sickness we face when hacks come to the defence of incompetent, failed politicians just because they are on the same side.

Anonymous said...

You are a sick person.