Saturday, August 29, 2009




Anonymous said...

Drug related perhaps?

Star said...

Ofcourse it was drug related!!!

Anonymous said...

Why is everything on this island related to drugs, if anything the perpetrators of the crime where probably on drugs but to imply that the man was involved in drugs is a bit offensive, I hope the family don't read this. I understand he was a decent citizen prepared to give evidence in a murder trial..........mmm maybe its linked!!!If more people were as brave as him maybe more people would be tried for murder, it appears most people will keep quiet rather than see justice done.

Anonymous said...

St Lucia.......The island of sissies with guns.

Anonymous said...

Shut up....

Anonymous said...

What is happening to us, we have really lost it. goodbye my friend.

Anonymous said...

St.Lucians had better watch it because we are heavily dependent on tourism and all this shooting does not sit well with foreigners. Those thugs need to be put away and punishment need to be harsher to prevent further occurences. If this behavior continues at home St. Lucians will truely be living on less than US 2.00 a day. Y es I am a proud Lucian living abroad. If only St. Lucians knew how much our island is praised by others who visit.

Anonymous said...

We should watch what we comment on and besides the news paper is wrong for showing that pic.As if we are proud of showing the world our flaws.Come on have some decency for the decease, he has a family to.

Anonymous said...

Well the Venezuelians and Colombians are back; just like in the days of Bonny & gabbo. My thing is You live by it; you die by it. I have no sympathy for anyone living this life and feel that they will go free.

Anonymous said...

That picture is inappropriate. Let's not be this cruel to each other please.

Anonymous said...

Yup, probably drug related...and by professionals. Everybody wants a benz and money, but there is always a price. Good bye Big T, I hope those suckers realize that there is more to life than money, like living!

Anonymous said...

if indeed this incident was drug related(and it seems to me that it was) then the "big T" should have understood the risk that he took.
The conversation must be had about the corruption and an environment that allows that type of activity to florish. People don't get killed in that manner for trivial things and the motivation has to be that there was something substantial at stake.

Without being judgemental, the persons who take drugs are the ones who rob, mug and terrorize the rest of us to support their addictions and the lifestyles of the dealers who live in exculsive communities.

Nearly every inmate at our prison is a drug user and there even more on the outside doing mischief that will eventually get them sent there.

I have no love for anybody who thrives on the misery of others and the only persons that would miss a drug dealer are those that benefited from the proceeds of his illicit trade.

Please let's stop the hypocrisy and missplaced sensitivity and say it like it is.

Anonymous said...

I wonder where Mr. T got his money from living in Cap Estate and driving such a very expensive car? Anyway a terrible murder.