Saturday, November 21, 2009

Mugger Nabbed



Anonymous said...

Wow when i heard this story i was shocked. i kept looking to see if it was the same young man who was in my class. We went to secondary school together from form one to form four. he was always in trouble for stealing. When the principal called the parents they said that he was picking on their son, that he is not a thief and the school teachers disliked him. here we go now. Is he not a thief?
Instead of the parents cautioning him they were so upset that they transferred him to another school because they believed that he was baing picked on and being accused all the time of theft.
Ha parents, in your face. You caould have saved hiim from himself but you encouraged him instead of disciplining him.

Zeigy said...

Some parents are just badly raised, by their parents.

Anyway, the real star here is our police force. They turning well professional. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice to see The Voice publicising when the small fry hoodlum is arrested.

Hope they soon publicise the arrest of MarcASS NicholASS for assault and criminal trespass.

Anonymous said...

True dat anonymous 3, look how they scared to touch stories with Mondesir and his work permit fiasco, Marcus in UK and whatever happened there is yet to come out, I guess we will have it told at the University of the masses on the Market Steps and yeah they never touch Fredrick but they like to talk justice when the little man gets caught. the police always gets the little man there is no accomplishment there. Trying getting Fredrick et al.

Zeigy said...

Everyone knows Marcus Nicholas is an ass. Is he really newsworthy?