Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Convention When?



Anonymous said...

Mad fowl where are u?

corkma bite your tongue.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What are we so glad and happy about what went on in Dennery on sunday? The people who are rejoicing do that because they know the government is doing so poorly, never expected to see people in Dennery. They want to make us feel or want us to believe that the uwp will win an election in St Lucia any time soon, because there were supprized to see people in Dennery. We must all remember that both parties have a core of support that will never change, except these people die or go overseas and they will follow the party where ever they go on island. We must also remember it was a day of FREE ENTERTAINMENT and free gifts. The question is can the uwp attract more people than it core support island wide?

Anonymous said...

All political rallies are a day of free entainment. What is good for the SLP should be good for the UWP. The Fellas had a good weekend stop behaving like a child. It's a fact their supporters came out!!!

Anonymous said...

The Rally is the beginning of intra conflict of management, excuse me, mismanagement and maladministration, on behalf of economic and social structures, who are threaten by the democratic process, siding with one faction/group who believe their privileges and authoritarian modes and being threatened. When is Convention????? What’s the Fear.

In response dismantling the political institutions through which the party articulates collective will and interest is not functional.