Tuesday, December 8, 2009




Anonymous said...

Who ever said that UWP was dead? How did the SLP misread the tea leaves?

What is this I hear about a merger of all flambeaus?

Anonymous said...

Give us gifts, computers, room and chicken...get us dizzy....and we will wine all the way to the voting booths!!

Talk about ILLITERAAAAAACY......

Anonymous said...

There would be no victimization if you wore yellow and went to Dennery on Sunday.....

Try wearing RED and going to an SLP rally....

Anonymous said...

Oh how I wish I would have heard about the achievements of this government...

We dance and dance and dance some more...and laughed and laughed and laughed some more.

Time past and then I realize....oh shit...nothing was said...

We are a happy people you know...and our Prime Minister is proud of us...so he claimed.

Wonder what he said just before he fell asleep..."STUPID PEOPLE"!!!

Anonymous said...

Me Too....anonymous...I wanted Guy Joseph to tell us about the cost of the Roads....Not about Kenny's cost overuns.

Only in St Lucia said...

Jump high, jump low, just make sure you all Chinese money is here in time. What time is the red boat arriving with election gifts? LOL

Only in St Lucia.

Anonymous said...

What happen labour??? Why all of a sudden everybody quiet. Look it there the yellow tad poles. SLP don't feel all that good after all?

Don't blame us. Blame Kenny for spreading gween instead of putting his house in order. The sleeping yellow giant is up. Care to fight it??

Crazy Fowl. Your 2 years is coming before you thought.

Anonymous said...

This is what you call held by a corkmar. King have Kenny right where he wanted him. Not a man move when the corkmar hold on to you. LOL

ixi lixi said...

Elections in March 2010 Mr. King? Please, please, bring it on. Not a day too soon.

Anonymous said...

bring it on!!!!

SaSA Yeah????

Last time we heard those infamous words Kenny went down in smoke. I don't think there is a sould in UWP who is afraid of the SLP. We are going to take it directly to he SLP, pass it, and win.

SLP pour pear, not Flambeau.

Anonymous said...

After Sunday even me have to say I believe.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Mad Fowl will soon be a 'born again' Flambeau.

Anonymous said...

The sad thing about those rallies....is that half of those people don't vote and won't vote for those people.

Guess who had the biggest rallies three years ago....money was rolling....gifts etc.
And guess who lost the elections!!!

Let's all be joyful!!! It's Christmas!!!

Let's all those tadpoles jump in 2010!!!

Make noise flambeaus...slp quiet....

I am more convinced who will lose the next elections!!!

Anonymous said...

In your mouth??? Why you did not ask Kenny to be joyful and merry and behave himself instead of calling an election in december. Half of those people won't vote Flambeau but all those who come see Kenny spread his seeds gone vote him.

Yeah right.

You all just shock. This is what happening here. ASk not what you can't deal with. Election you wanted we are giving it to you.

i have no doubt in my mind who the loser will be.

Merry christmas and come prepared for lix and yen in the new year.

Anonymous said...

You claim our kids get a good education but look at the bastardization of the English language in the previous comments. Ghetto English. You set the example and you should be ashamed for you laziness and sloven writings. Don't comment because I won't read garbage.

Anonymous said...

The fact that you take time to respond means you are reading. Ghetto English?? Sort te la!

Don't come back again.

Flambeau time.

Anonymous said...

The crowd, Santas with gifts, balloons, entertainment etc. means one thing ....who has the money to BURN!!!

WHOA....Tom Chou!!!

Those things attract a crowd....Remember SLP's.....


That's the mathematical formula we used for SLP....NO?

Don't think we have so many illiterates though....they get wise...ain't no way they can't fool us twice!!!

Anonymous said...

Free food and drinks for sure Lucians will come out the main word "Freeness". Hope all these people show up on election day, by the way what have they done in three years? Can any UWP supporters tell us what have they accomplished in three years? Lazy and incompetent is his name, to tired to address the Nation.Word out King needs a loan to pay for the party and your salaries.Hope you'll get a bonus this Christmas.LOL Who let the bright yellow banana out of the Guess Boat.

Anonymous said...

This is what you call real FALFRET. lol


Those of you who were thinking of getting big jobs under a "new" slp government better think again.

My advise: Time to start looking for a real job if you currently don't have one.

It may be a long time before the rivers of red flow in this country again.



Anonymous said...

SLP people are progressive people....anyone who lost their seat is gainfully employed....

Remember we have no bus drivers (Dennery) and Mini-bus association bobolist .....unambitious farmer....Doctors with small clinics who sell patient's record....Under-hand Pharmaceutical Supervisor's...ex-convicted criminals....AMWAY vendors...tired Sports fitness parading as Sports medicine specialist to make money... etc. etc.

We take jobs that we are qualified for and we do not vote for a make-shift government so we....our families....and jabals can eat.

Eat while you hungry jackals.....every road has an end.

And even if SLP loses the next elections....more time for illiterates to suffer under VAT etc...and wine for Yellow Santa gifts!!!!!!

Kenny I'm sure is not hungry!!! We should be worried about what's happening to our country...instead of bashing Kenny!!!!

Anonymous said...

I eh know why people trying to mislead others by mentioning VAT. Jump high or jump low VAT was coming and would have been implemented no matter who was in office. I am not convinced that people will suffer under VAT. The other countries in the Caribbean that have VAT I dont see anyone there crying hardship. At least with VAT evey single St. Lucian will pay taxes and not just those that pay income tax. It is a fair tax.

Zeigy said...

Anonymous wrote:

"Give us gifts, computers, room and chicken...get us dizzy....and we will wine all the way to the voting booths!!

"Talk about ILLITERAAAAAACY......"

And what are you doing to help combat illiteracy in your country?

The rum and chicken politics will continue in St. Lucia as long as these people will not pick up a newspaper, get informed, and start formulating their own rational opinions.

You going to get these people to come to a rally with promises of "a thought-provoking discussion on the history and future of the country?"

These same people will have shiny objects dangled in front of them to make them go to SLP rallies as well.

What both parties need to do now is to encourage these people to speak out for themselves, even at the risk of sounding foolish (which they will in the early stages). But as long as they argue to learn and not to be right and their audience is understanding then this could jump start their journey to literacy and pointed arguments.

The parties need to do their part. They have to mix the mwé pwee (the entertainment) with serious talk (the message that needs to be taken home) on how they intend to develop the country. They also need to inspire the people to do their part to bring the country forward.

Messages I think the people should hear at the rallies:

Security -

Assist the police with their investigations when there are eye witnesses to a crime.

Education -

Why they have to be shelling out gifts at rallies, tell them how condescending it is, and let them know why it is important they take their education seriously.

Achievements and vision -

What direction is the country going? What is being done to develop the country and it's people?

The rum and chicken politics must end but the party politicians are the instrumental ones in seeing about this change. They know that no amount of money will sway voters so your message better be relevant.

Anonymous said...

And even if SLP loses the next elections....more time for illiterates to suffer under VAT etc...and wine for Yellow Santa gifts!!!!!!




Anonymous said...

We have VAT (Sales tax) up here in Canada too and trust me without it the government would be broke. There would be no social programs and no money to pay public servants..etc..etc so VAT is a good thing.
Trust me, it'll pay off in the long run, the poor are the ones who'll benifit more.

Anonymous said...

It's just a scare tactic those who support the SLP is trying. The whole thing is to play on people's ignorance. So what if we have to meet our obligations to support our country. Is that a problem????

The world is changing and we can't continue to operate in 3rd world mode.

Anonymous said...

It's no their fault. They are stunned by the massive flambeau turnout on Sunday.

The reaction you are seeing here is called CACA GLOW.


Anonymous said...

What massive turn out? Let us wait and see if King will call election in march as he said. All the people that was there should put pressure on him to call election, if you all are so confidence in the crowd that was there. He will never call it because, he know he cannot find another decent job anywhere, if it is not political, because he is not qualified academically. And he know he will lose if he call an election. Imagine you are in government and you and all your ministers are supprised to see a turn out of people at your free musical rally, that only goes to show how poorly you are performing.

Anonymous said...

Jackass! King never said that he would call elections in March. This is speculation on the part of the SLP.

You fellas praying for more time? We know Kenny is out of the island looking for money. ha ha

I thought you all were prepared.

Anonymous said...

Go to HTSSTLUCIA.COM and listen to King, for yourself. Why would SLP want an early election when they know they are not ready. does that make any sense to you? King was so supprised to see a few people in Dennery he did not know what to say, he claim somebody told him at the rate he is going he should call election in MARCH 2010. I did not say it, he said it. You think king stupid, he know he only remain two more years to be PM in his life. Do you believe will want to cut that shot?

Anonymous said...

Mad Fowl, is that you again?

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is. I am clocking away and mad as hell that Flambeau's are stronger than ever.


Anonymous said...

Oh, and it took me a whole 24 hrs before I could recover from the news. I have malchere.

Anonymous said...

What a shame uwp trying to bribe people with worthless gifts, trying to fool them to win election in St Lucia. They cannot provide us with work so they want to deserve us with hand outs. That will not work, we smarter than that,

Anonymous said...

The child is not even impressed, with their nonsense, she is not even in hurry to accept their cheap crap.

Anonymous said...

If you find SLP's angry, it's not at this crowd....it's at the amount of illiterates in St. Lucia who can't even see the country is stationary!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The child is not even impressed, with their nonsense, she is not even in hurry to accept their cheap crap.

The child is just making sure it's low-fat food because she's on special diet.

Anonymous said...

you find SLP's angry, it's not at this crowd....it's at the amount of illiterates in St. Lucia who can't even see the country is stationary!!!

No wonder the SLP can't get flambeaus to come around to support it. It is these kind of insults that turn people away.Try showing that you have a brain for once. Say what you want but any intelligent reader must detect anger and hatred in those useless comments.

You can't win an election by demeaning your own people.

Anonymous said...

Tell me which non-illiterate wouldn't see that the country is stationary!!
There is no anger in this.....


Tell us what we should be jumping about on the Dennery playing field with Yellow Santa Claus handing out gifts and A Minister doing ex-tempo!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are just one sick hateful individual. Someday you are going to learn that politics is not all. The things you believe you are fighting for may well turn out to be an illusion. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Merger of all flambeaus? That was the unofficial theme of the rally.

The rum and chicken politics must end; no amount of money will sway voters.

"Give us gifts, computers, rum and chicken...get us dizzy....and we will wine all the way to the voting booths!! How condescending is this.

WHOA....Tom Chou!!! Money spreading wild,, Those things attract a crowd, in this Guava season,, at a time when the Government cannot meet salaries and overseas obligations.

Take it any way it comes.

Anonymous said...

When does the Chinese boat load arrive? Last election SLP was giving away money like water. Perhaps Kenny still have a stach left over in his basement.


Anonymous said...

Who were they giving that money and how much each person got? In what form was the money given, cash, cheques, or in envelopes please tell us.

Anonymous said...

to all u goons who spreads false rumours about VAT. why is it u people are so frightened of change. VAT is a fair tax and with this globalised world we have to stay on par. There will always be poor rich and middle class. What i dont want is for the coutry to be left back for the sake of poor people. we have to move on.

Anonymous said...

Last election I received my $200.00 wrapped in a red T-shirt.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who gave you that red T shirt and $200?

Anonymous said...

I got my $200 from "Bull" at the last elections.
I voted in Central Castries.

Anonymous said...

Now, one is free to believe whatever they want but I was on the Dennery playing field on Sunday (out of curiosity) and shook my Parliamentary Rep hand and felt something in my hand.

Guess what it was!!!

Not sure how many people were as lucky as I was.

I also heard buses were being paid ridiculous amount of monies to just find people and fill their buses to go to Dennery.

Anonymous said...

Last Matee!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The last person matee or lied as you said because the busses were traveling for free, uwp is so loved in St Lucia.

Anonymous said...

You are so unaware of whats happening around. Buses drivers had an economic boster in Dennery, being paid 300 and 400 to transport anyone SLP AND UWP will to take the ride...There were even open food and rum accounts for free consumption. Some of which were controlled by so called converted SLP'S. We in Soufriere had our fair share, anything for a free outing...Call me when you see T-Chas in Town. My yellow T-SHIT is brand new, made in Taiwan.

Anonymous said...

Politicians give, we take no questions asked, in the voting it's a different senarrio, we think.

Anonymous said...

The Rally is the beginning of intra conflict of management, excuse me, mismanagement and maladministration, on behalf of economic and social structures,who are threaten by the democratic process, siding with one faction/group who believe their privileges and authoritarian modes and being threatened. When is Convention????? What’s the Fear.

In response dismantling the political institutions through which the party articulates collective will and interest is not functional. DWP not UWP.

Anonymous said...

Rally is Big Business

This Charade of face saving, ground testing, Kleenex politics (use and dispose) in the name of Political Rally is part and parcel of the leftwing (remember super 8) conspiracy, seat seekers, economic opportunist, arm twisters injecting there will on the Party, knowing that Cabinet reshuffle in eminent.
More interesting is who were not available and did not show up at the rally, that’s the hidden list being complied.
And to the Cabinet advisers who continue to ill-advise, yet another exclusive Cabinet conclusion to approve T-Chas as the next emperor for Soufriere. I suppose most of his colleagues have given up on him, that’s an instant political exit. Hackers,, Crackers..

Anonymous said...

Be not afraid SLP supporters! Do you think that the vast majority of St Lucians will vote into office again; a convicted criminal, two customs tax evaders, one of which sold his patients' personal information, a 'bendable', unemployable prime minister, a mysterious absentee,a covetous ex -bus driver,at least three murderers of the English... Language? Abodi abofes!Even misguidedness has its limits!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think they will.

Anonymous said...

If they do vote in such a Government....then it says alot about the level of illiteracy in this country. Rick Wayne will attest to that...." we get the Government we deserve"
And our Government is a reflection of who we are!!!!

Anonymous said...

Have the readers of these blogs picked up the pattern? As soon as a UWP blogger is faced with elevated discussion on a matter of truth, principal or plain simple right and wrong, they begin to throw slogans and phrases;'in your mouth' 'sortee la''SLP pour pear' and let's not forget'taliban' and 'red mealy bugs'. In discussion, local flavour adds spice to meaning but it should be accompanied by a sound argument.Come on UWPs, raise the level of thought. Enough gutter politics!Let's move forward.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever been to a uwp public meeting? That same nonsense is coming from their platform. So that is uwp. That same nonsense is coming their government in office. Have you ever listen to a debate in the house of assembly? That same nonsense is coming from the mouth of the uwpeees.......

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but the truth is that the SLP will not be in power for a very, very long time. The RED ones are too far to the left and we the people don't like that.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but the truth is that the SLP will not be in power for a very, very long time. The RED ones are too far to the left and we the people don't like that.

Anonymous said...

Haven't you heard that too far left is right? I want the SLP to continue to be right. Right on the labour code, right on USE, right on the NSDC, right on UHC, right on PRIDE, right on the Poverty Reduction Fund, right on the transition from bananas, right on all monies going into the consolidated fund, right on the removal of Ausbert d' Auvergne and soon to be right on the removal of Nicholas Frederick...
Those of us who are endowed with the ability to reason are not impressed with petty tribalism of left and right.This is the modus operandi of the UWP.

Anonymous said...

So what will you do when the SLP gives you a 'right' slap in your face?

Anonymous said...

I do not expect the SLP to give any one a 'slap' in the face, left or right. That type of violence is characteristic of the UWP...witness the young woman on the wheel chair, Randy and Julius Joseph, the Minister who lost the case against his neighbours for firing shots at them, the one who had to compensate his neighbour at Rodney Bay for assault. Shall I go on? Come with better arguments. Exercise your intellect.

Anonymous said...

Way to go flambeaus! Continue being what u people are best known for. Uneducated, illiterate idiots. I live in an area infested with people like u and try my best to not breathe the same air as them. Leaving soon and cant wait! If I were to choose between voting for that party and death, I would choose the latter. If your party does win the next elections it will just emphasize my previous point. Yellow shirted, illiterate idiots.

Zeigy said...

^ I think this is the closest a SaLoP will get to admitting the UWP could win the next election.

Anonymous said...

Above me u're as dumb as a doorknob to use this forum to use profanity. If u are even educated enough to know what that means. But then again u must be a hack. Classless, ill-mannered etc etc

Zeigy said...

You figured all that about me from one sentence? You're good.

But my comment must be the only one you read in this forum if you haven't realised by now this thread has disintegrated into a an exchange of party rhetoric.

My party is better, by the way.