Saturday, December 19, 2009

SALCC Exam Breach



Anonymous said...

If what I read is true, well, this is quite alarming for SALCC and the country a a whole, at a time when the institution is in the process of coverting to a University college. What effect will that have on the college reputation? What message are we sending to the authorities who will be looking at the institution's accreditation for university status as made by the Minister of Education at the college last graduation? I do hope that the college/Ministry of Education launched an investigation into the matter immediately, and take the necessary steps to avert a reoccurrance and the culprit(s) be made to account and punish, in order to restore the reputation of the college. Over to you Mr. Arsene James and Miss Beverly Lansiqout(mka)

Anonymous said...

Well i am quite appalled. Am i to think that the lecturers at the institution are so lazy that they refuse to have examinations prepared every year and instead use the same examinations for every single set of students. That's quite a factor to look into. It is a fact that other institutions do give past papers so that the students don't go into an exam not knowing what a possible question looks like. It is quite sad to think that I as a citizen of St. Lucia; possibly considering furthering my education would come to an institution where past papers are "restricted" or for want of a better word/phrase "classified information". This is ridiculous. Look at the bright side at least you now know where the faults are.

Anonymous said...

It is unfortunate that this incident is bent on seeing this situation one sided. What do these students have to say. Has anyone actually given any of them the opportunity to say what may or may not have happened? It seems that that the jury has come out on this situation and condemn this alledged action finding them guilty. It hurts to know some of this story and to see and hear everyday the injustice that is been done to these students. Have any body faulted the the Lecturers/Nursing Body, etc for making those accusations without tangible proof? Our are we still of the view that 'the teacher is always right.' I know some of these kids personally and have heard their cries from year one to year three. Injustices done towards them, accusations hurled at them and finally this unjust act of defermation of character.

Sir Arthur, Nursing Division, when will one voice among you be honest and say exactly what is going on. I totally believe if these students infact breached their exam, justiced was served by having them rewrite it. But why is it that some of them are not even being permitted to work at hospitals and even if they are, they would be confronted by nurses outrightly accusing them of 'stealing exams' and making remarks of 'not wanting to work with them'.

To quote from one of the bloggers I really wish that the Ministry of Education would launch an unbiased investigation in this matter. Let no stone be left unturned. Let every student be given an opportunity to speak and then let judgment be passed.

It is unfortunate that these students had to resort to legal action but think for a moment. If they had anything to hide, would they pursue legal action?

May God vindicate the cause of those concerned and let His ultimate justice prevail.

Anonymous said...

student should know better they will be dealing with people lives and if not quilified the correct way it should not be allowed the school need to take action don't allow them a licened writ them off