Saturday, December 5, 2009

Victim of Police Shooting to be Buried Today meanwhile Two More Killed



Anonymous said...

isn't a homicide a murder?
i believe the reporter who wrote this is ignorant.hence,that lives the amount of deaths amounting to 72 and not just a mere 35 murders and 37 i say get your facts right.a homicode is an act of murder committed by someone against another being.

Anonymous said...

It's a total of 37 and 35 out of that were murders, stupid.

Anonymous said...

Tell the uwpeeeeeees that they said it was kenny causing crime and they would stop it. If you do not know how to find them, they will be in Dennery celebrating tomorrow. I do not know what will they be celebrating, i believe they will be celebrating crime, because that is all that is happening in St Lucia these days.

Anonymous said...

I will when when you shut the hell up.

Zeigy said...

Anonymous wrote:

"isn't a homicide a murder?
i believe the reporter who wrote this is ignorant."

Before you condemn the writer for his use of English, you should perhaps do a little research first. Newspaper reporters are experts in their field of writing.

From Wikipedia:

Homicide (Latin homicidium, homo human being + caedere to cut, kill) refers to the act of a human killing a human being. A common form of homicide, for example, would be murder. It can also describe a person who has committed such an act, though this use is rare in modern English. Homicide is not always an illegal act, so although "homicide" is often used as a synonym for "murder," this is not formally correct.

Anonymous said...

Can you please refrain from using wikepedia as your source. Wikepedia's information can be placed online by anyone without being verified. You should seek recognized sources whenever doing research please...

LuciaBoy said...

Tomato tamato quit the semantics we have a high murder rate in St. Lucia. Too many ignorant, dope-headed, ganster wanna-be, illegal gun toting goons in St. Lucia.
Guess what some of then wear police uniforms.

Zeigy said...

If you want to call the information on Wikipedia into question every article has a wonderful References section at the bottom of the page. You don't even have to search through it since almost every statement has a small number next to it which points you to the direct source of the statement.

You need to appreciate the ease with which Wikipedia has made it to do research on the Internet.