Thursday, January 7, 2010

Global warming concerns



Anonymous said...

I just saw a documentary a few days ago that said by the end of the century ocean levels will rise a foot above where they are now, solely due to the expansion of the water as its temperature rises. Further rise in water level will result from melting of ice in Antarctica and Greenland. By that time, it will be good-bye Reduit, good-bye Castries, good-bye Pigeon Island causeway, good-bye Hewanorra. Our children's grandchildren will witness this, and I think we'll probably witness some adverse effects in our lifetime, too.

Anonymous said...

I've got news for you. There are more climate experts who say global warming is a myth than actually endorse it. There is no global warming! In florida they are in a two week cold snap that is the coldest recorded since the 1930's. The entire US is in a deep freeze! Tell them it's warming and they'll laugh at you.

The majority of scientists do not believe in global warming but no one wants to hear that so they get no air time. An entire industry has been built around a lie.

High tides are caused by something surely, but it isn't global warming. Don't believe everything you read or hear from left wing news organizations. All the best, Ray

Anonymous said...

Ray, will you be putting all your savings into beachfront property?

Anonymous said...

I'll never make that much.

Anonymous said...

Global warming is NOT a myth and cannot be explained or dismissed by simplistic references to cold snaps in Florida or warmiong trends anywhere else. Contrary to the assertions of the second blogger, more independent scientists have publicly come out in support of global warming than those who publicly dispute it. Some of the changes in climate that are being witnessed are indeed cyclical and are linked to El Nino/La Nina cycles but other changes appear to be more permanent and global in scope. The warming of the oceans over the last 100 years is unprecedented; so to is the pace of meltdown of the ice shelves in Antarctica. And there is no other reasonable explanation for these worrisome changes than the greenhouse effect. This would not be the first time scientists have disagreed. Indeed science would not be science if there were no disagreement. For example, scientists disagree as to whether cell phones can cause brain cancer. To me it makes sense to err on the side of caution i.e on the side of those who believe there is a link and to take the necessary precauations. This is the exact approach we should take to Global climate Change.



Anonymous said...

Ray is Sarah Palin in drag.