Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Gov’t Declines Request from CSA



Anonymous said...

No government can afford to subsidize fuel cost. However, government can relieve the cost by easing the tax burden by cutting or removing the tax on fuels in particular.

Anonymous said...

I am no supporter of King but I support his stands. They got a big pay hike, why not use some of that money to hep subsidize the fuel cost. Last I heard St Lucia does not produce oil.

Anonymous said...

It appears that the Government and the Civil Servants within the Ministry of Finance wants to have a “false discussion”. Governing is about making hard decision and choices. I do not think no one is really asking Government not to build roads or schools. The fluctuation in the price of fuel on the global market is an extraordinary event, and therefore you need some degree of creativity to deal with it. To use the suggestion made by the Ministry as a solution shows a clear case of naivety (i.e. persons need to change their driving habit).
Assuming for a second, the total number of persons using their vehicles to commute on a daily basis, were to reduced by say 30 to 40%, do you realise the implication, Government revenue in the process will suffer, so therefore it makes better sense for Government to temporary put a cap on fuel, so that, it (Government) can continue to generate revenue at a steady rate while limiting the burden to the general public, this include businesses and the most vulnerable. The issue is not whether St. Lucia produced fuel or nor but rather, do we have the necessary foresight to deal with extraordinary event to the betterment of our people and country ?

Anonymous said...

Also, St Lucia has to push its alternative energies - geothermal, solar, and wind - without delay. We began exploring our Soufriere geothermal resources 40 years ago yet St Kitts and Dominica are now far ahead of us in bringing theirs to fruition. Only alternative energies can bring some relief to St Lucia's ridiculous oil-import bills. Once over-reliance on oil stops, then and then only would our 'oil-less' island be able to entertain the idea of subsidizing oil - a little. Maybe subsidizing 100%-electric vehicles for taxis and all forms of public transportation should be seriously considered because we have to realize that across the globe oil will never be cheap again. The 'good old days' of cheap oil are long gone!

Anonymous said...

Which government? This one? Its leader ridicules higher education, do you think a feasibility report has a better chance of acceptance. It's like casting pearls....

Anonymous said...

Don't even think of interfering with the sulphur springs. The next thing we know that volcano begins to rumble. We say it is asleep so let it sleep.deal with the situation differently.After 400 years of being dormant, Mount Sinabong in Indonesia erupted!Why don't we leave La Soufriere alone? Geothermal energy? Are we forgetting Soufriere still is populated (with people)? Please.

Anonymous said...

As long as we keep the reservoir which is the etang full of water, the rumblings will not start. It only takes a long dry spell and the etang drying up for the eruptions to start.

Anonymous said...

Does writer #6 really know how geothermal technology works?

Anonymous said...

DUH, How dare CSA who is going to pay for all the rediculous spending in this country. Let us go to the new park at Sans Souci and think about how to buy our gas.

Anonymous said...

I am sure the CSA know which minister they must speak to to get their answers-all they have to do is give "The White Powder Minister" a kick back and Bingo all is well.Just do like the garbage company which had to up their contract price by three hundred grand to pay the minister before they could get their contract renewed. St.Lucians think these guys care about us? their only concern is themselves and big time too!!

Anonymous said...

How long must this unscrupulous government remain in power?

When so many of us trade our precious one-time vote for a promise of a job, with chicken and rum as the inducement and just being fed for one day, WE PAY for this suffering for 5 - FIVE long years!

Isn't time to get rid of such idiots as Juuk Bwaaah, Tiny-brain Poelae-Yun, and Mr. MuscleHead off our talk shows? These idiots are just dumbing down the country with their foolishness.