Thursday, June 9, 2011

The House of Assembly



Anonymous said...

Poor St. Lucia! We elect countrybookies and US Jailbirds to government and expect refined gentlemen to come out of a mixture of uneducated drug lords, tiefs, and fat face liars. What a pack of scoundrels!

Anonymous said...

St. Lucia is not ready for anything but the most primitive and crudest form of African-style government. John Compton set the precedent. Rules were ignored since he entered politics. He chose the Speakers. He chose the despicable, spineless and characterless broomstick ministers.

Power hungry and senile, Compton entertained real scumbags and degenerate lowlifes into his party in order to gain power. They gleefully rewarded him with an early entry into paradise. But the scumbags remained and these albatrosses continue to weigh heavily around the necks of St. Lucians ever since. You try getting rid of these when idiots have a right to vote. Don't they sell their votes for money and sometimes just rum and chicken legs?

This country is cursed by God for killing the priest.

All the major newspapers and talk show hosts are conspiring against the people to keep things as they are.

You are the only voice of reason left. Peter will therefore have to pay for Paul. You bet.

Anonymous said...

The people we elect are not gods; they are people like you and me; but somehow we are alarmed when they display the flaw characteristics of human beings.

The Labour Party is not the answer; after all, they are imperfect humans too.

Anonymous said...

Because you know only two-party politics and government by two parties alone, you should really shut up and take a look around you for a change.

There are people called independents.

These are qualified St. Lucians both at home and abroad people who can run as independent candidates. Get a real education about politics.

Get away from the rum shop and Juke Bois if you are hoping to talk sense for a change.

In Europe, in England, in Germany, in France, in Trinidad and so on, enlightened people don't talk like you and Juke Bois. They get independent and new parties and form coalitions.

They select smart, experienced, and qualified people. These are people because of their life's work, they have something other than $#!%# talk to give to the country when we debate substantive issues in the parliament.

In some instances, responsible people even EVEN GO TO THEM and beg them and INVITE THEM TO RUN. Yes. This is unlike the goons and creeps in Castries who got their drug boss elected without campaigning in a matter of two weeks.

The people in Europe for example, don't take the crappy broomsticks that John Compton puked up for St. Lucia for over 30 long years. They don't take the jokers that the SLP pukes up either.

They force responsible individuals when they get elected to shape a future for the country. They have to work hard at it because the personalities have to give and take to get things moving.

That is much better than the UWP conniving cabinet giving illegal concessions to another cabinet member. Or a cabinet member signing a contract that benefits a family member. Those kinds of things would be out.

Party members instead of colluding to rob the people and benefit themselves, would automatically be watchdogs over other party members. That is what St. Lucia needs now more than ever. We have too much borbol in the two major parties. Borbol has now become the established way to operate in those two parties. It is worse, now we have a US JAIL BIRD teaching the other UWP government ministers all that he learned in JAIL SCHOOL.

Because independents are more enlightened, qualified and educated than all the Juke Bois that our idiots and similar roughnecks and crude country-bookies have voted for into office over the years, you will get better and less corrupt government.

St. Lucia deserves better than to have drug dealers, half illiterates, half-educated, liars under oath, US JAILBIRDS with JUKE BOIS AS CHIEF ADVISOR TO ALL THESE OTHER UWP SCUMBAGS as a government for this country.

Stop listening to idiots like the PM and his chief advisor Juke Bois for a change. Get a real life! Stop bringing us down to idiot country level like Haiti.

For God's sake try to get a little more enlightened for a change.

It will help get us out of this deep hole in which the UWP imbecile and idiotic government have placed us. The two major parties have no nothing to offer poor suffering St. Lucians but just much more misery than ever before.

Anonymous said...

Very good article. I have listened/watched the budget debate for many years and like you I am disappointed with the level of discourse (now why am I calling it discourse when it has become mauvais langue/maypwis)...It is a difficult job for the speaker because he/she is appointed by the government of the day and it seems almost rude to tell your bosses that they must observe the rules and standing orders or they will be asked to leave and/or escorted from the do so may very well cause you to lose your this time I would merely suggest that the speaker, before any debate, read out the relevant rules and standing orders so that the listening public will hear and know the guidelines for debate in the House and consequently will be in a position to make informed judgements as to the members who persistently insist on dragging, what is supposed to be a hollowed and respected institution, into the gutters of petty politics... This would also give her some protection from reprisals and abuse if and when she makes a ruling....

Anonymous said...

The greatest society ever created is the United States of America; and yes, she achieved her greatness under a two-party political system.

I am not aware of any society where an independent political party has made a substantial difference in the lives of its citizens.

Oh! and by the way, England, Germany, and France are considered part of Europe.

Anonymous said...

I am not aware of any society where an independent political party has made a substantial difference in the lives of its citizens.

Neither have I. So, are you Juke Bois, or did you have idiot Juke Bois advise you before making this ignorant comment? Some St. Lucians on thinks that he is a UWP maggot.

Are you part of the imbecile UWP cabinet? You sound like one of them. Like them, you are not making too much sense.

You know that there are limitations regarding useful things you can learn inside of a US jail cell?

I think that the writer was trying to show which countries in Europe may have had experience with coalition government or independent candidates. Like Juke Bois, your education is very shallow. But ignorance is bliss in St. Lucia. Did somebody say that St. Lucia is idiot country, with the lowest IQ and all that?

To help make more sense of the world, it would be useful for you to check what the voting rate is for the US with its two-party system.

BTW they do have other parties in the US. The security apparatus infiltrates and kills any group that sounds communist or socialist including the labour unions.

For all its greatness, voter participation does not exceed 33 percent of eligible voters. That is how enthusiastic US citizens are with their two party system.

Right now the GOP is struggling not to come apart at the seams with the growing Jim Crow group called the Tea Party.

So your Bois mentality tells you that even though the two party system in St. Lucia delivers real crooks, idiots, drug lords, US CONVICTS, liars, illiterates and idiots to the House, we should continue with it, just because the greatest nation in the world has a two-party system? So what on earth did you learn about the recent British election experience?

Anonymous said...

If you are so dissatisfied with the status quo in St.Lucia and can't wait until elections to remove all those folks you consider incompetent, why don't you have a coup, desolve parliament, install yourself as king, or emperor, or dictator for life. And everything will be fine going forward.

Anonymous said...

Here's another idiot above. Quit talking to idiots like yourself repeating their hogwash so shamelessly. Try to develop greater skills for making intelligent conversation than the imbeciles in the St. Lucian cabinet.

Amrchair Anonymous said...

To Hideous Idius above ... don't you recognise SARCASM when you see it? I agree with the anonymous blogger who advises that if you are so dissatisfied with the status quo - to have a coup, etc, etc, ... now THAT would be entertaining!!!

Hideous Idius - if you cannot take the heat, shut up! And resist calling St Lucians "idiots" - that is not nice!

Anonymous said...

10 above, I believe it is you and supporters of nincompoop performance by the UWP who cannot take the heat. I have been called several names and nicknames from college days. They fattened me! Come on! Make my day. Call me another. Please.

I firmly believe that with so many converts thinking and behaving like Juke Bois inside and outside the Cabinet and government of St. Lucia, plus the UWP followers, that St. Lucia is most definitely idiot country!

Tell it like it is.

Anonymous said...

@ above, I agree that calling Lucians idiots are most unbecoming, but seriously St Lucians do acts as idots, why else would they, knowingly, voted for a jailbird, an ex-con, an alledged drug lord (bear in mind, in politics perceptions are regarded as truths), a government minister who sold his patient's record for a PROFIT - that same minister imported goods for his personal use on false pretense; when this was brought to light, rather than reprimand him and make him pay the duties, Cabinets changed or institued legislature to accomodate him. Then there is the one who blatantly lied under oath...and these are the people we want to represent us and we vouche for...what kinds of peoples would do that?

Anonymous said...

Its a total shame and believe you me the media and newspapers have contributed to these over the years,
Now we have an election soon to come and these ministers are employing the same tactic john compton use.
Should'nt the media and newspapers educate the public about this goverment stewardship for the last four years.
Believe you me we have morgage the future of our beloved country into the hands of little children, and when you send little children to do adult work thats what you get.
So its time to make wise decision with the help of the media and credible newspapers.

Anonymous said...

We should refrain from character assassination at all costs. Referring to someone as a "drug lord" without producing any evidence to substantiate your claim, is very cruel, to say the very least.

Some of you here keep referring to the "informed" and "enlightened" voters in Europe.I have lived here in mainland Europe for a number of years, and it saddens me to see the rise in popularity of EXTREME RIGHT WING parties.Do you people still think of those European voters as "enlightened" and "informed", when their very aim in voting right wing parties is to advance the racist, anti-immigration,xenophobic ideologies of these parties???

It is true that St Lucian voters need to make more informed decisions when casting their votes, but wanting them to emulate European voters is taking it a bit too far!

Anonymous said...

hey Micah, here's something you should write about. The Former (or current) Commissioner of Police has been on "sick leave" now for months. Yet he's seen by all and sundry working on his farm. He even turns up for his court hearings. Do you see anything wrong with that? This man commands a top salary and he claims he is not fit to work. If he can work on his farm, he should be appointed Adviser to the Minister of Agriculture. Like many in Government, this man is stealing from taxpayers by getting paid for doing nothing.

Anonymous said...

It is time that we learn that the law has absolutely NOTHING to do with truth or fact.

Something is legal or it is not.

That something is legal does not make it necessarily right or wrong.

People, and some very very morally sick and morally depraved ones, not God nor gods make laws.

Slavery was legal and even condoned or encouraged by the writers of both the Chritian and Moslem so-called holy books. Their gods are amused or appeased by cruelty and human degredation even today.

The only laws that were supposedly given to man, were given to the former Egyptian prince, Moses who was trained in Egyptian philosophy.

He broke the tablets with the laws supposedly given to him on the mountain top. He rewrote the laws according to his memory of what was etched on the tablets of stone.

Therefore, "Guilty until proven" is useful legalese that genuine and nefarious criminals hide behind. The writer must be one of our very famous government goons.

You call fool the idiots who are barely literate and get their cue from another famous St. Lucian UWP idiot and maggot called Juke Bois.

St. Lucia today, is on its way to self-destruction by a pack of misfits, goons, semi-literates, JAILBIRDS, liars, maggots, and sophisticated crooks.

Pity that the majority of the people who can make the difference can not read, or read this. Today, St. Lucia is full of such geniuses. Our smarter ones are known to be seeking refuge in other countries.

Anonymous said...

You don't you follow Moses through the Red Sea; and stay there. You fool.

Anonymous said...

You stay there. I think that he done leave already. UWP Political yard fowl! Chick. Chick. Chick.

Chick come! Chick come!