Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Saint Lucians Pay More for Gasoline



Anonymous said...

Regardless of the price of oil on the world market,the government of St. Lucia should only make quarterly adjustments to the price of gasoline, diesel, etc.(three months isn't too long a wait)

These monthly price hicks are moral killers regardless how justified.

Anonymous said...

Dem country-bookie MPs doh understand economics. Dat is why.

Anonymous said...

U expect them to no about econ, wen dem fellers only concern about power.

Anonymous said...

If they change it to quaterly and the price start droping on the world market all u Lucians go still complain. when all you move to North America and Europe the price change every day and all you not complaining.Jeeze take the bus and stop the complain

Anonymous said...

we have a right to complain who feels it knows it...choooops

Anonymous said...

So ual country bookie bloggers know about economics? do ual think little broke St. Lucia can afford to subsidize oil over such a long period of time? not even the big countries doing it. St. lucians have to learn to car pool and learn to conserve fuel. they driving all over de damn place showing off.

Anonymous said...

If St. Lucia did not have real and compleat idiots and country-bookies as ministers, one would have some understanding of what they are doing.

But from the PM down, the entire UWP cabinet of country-bookies, especially dat one from the forest area who is all teeth and no brains? Good luck! Idiots will always defend other idiots. St. Lucia is idiot country!

Anonymous said...

"price hicks"?? Wassat? Oh, you mean "price hikes"!

Armchair Anonymous said...

Not until you've been seated in the "governing seat" will you know what the best strategy would be to employ.

I'm an Armchair Watcher... at least I ask the questions, and educate myself.

Our ministers of government have their "advisors" who "advise" them on who, why, what, when, etc. They do not make these decisions on their own - you think?

So, other countries have fuel crises much much worse than we do ... so let's be warm and happy in our pile of ****!! It could've been worse.

Armchair Anonymous said...

And yes ... conserve our fuel, by car pooling, etc.

Also, individuals too can, and should seek solar and wind energy - we're chock full of it here!! Wind and Sun is all around us, and it is inexpensive to use!!

So - stop moving the mouths and fingers, and get a small group together, and harness the FREE wind and sun to create energy for our homes, offices, etc (Pity the vehicles cannot use it - for now).

Visit The Planet Centre for more energy saving ideas - what you say to that - the ignorant anonymous bloggers who crapped on The Planet Centre at La Place Carenage.

Anonymous said...

Another country-bookie repeating something it does not understand. You conserve energy not fuel. That kind of conservation is already there in the technology in use or it's not.

If we had elected smarter people than all those country-bookies into government we would have had greater understanding of what is going on.

Another jackass for you. Because that centre has something on conservation, that is the panacea that the country-bookies in government think the country need. Right?

You sound like the UWP moron in Gros Islet who said that the OECS selected that other moron as head of the OECS because the other heads of government have great respect for him. Yeah! Right!!

How credible is the entire UWP Ali Baba gang when they have a Juke Bois as an advisor to the party?

Armchair Anonymous said...

Ahem ... *clearing of throat* ...I am NOT from Gros Islet ... and ... neither am I a "moron" (I was not born that way).

I not know wear a hairy colourful political shirt - not my style!!

I NEVER said "You conserve energy not fuel". I said CONSERVE FUEL BY CAR POOLING" ... and further I said we "SHOULD SEEK WIND AND SOLAR ENERGY" ...

Oh my goodness ... Now who is the jackass?

Armchair Anonymous said...

Ahem ... *clearing of throat* ...I am NOT from Gros Islet ... and ... neither am I a "moron" (I was not born that way).

I not know wear a hairy colourful political shirt - not my style!!

I NEVER said "You conserve energy not fuel". I said CONSERVE FUEL BY CAR POOLING" ... and further I said we "SHOULD SEEK WIND AND SOLAR ENERGY" ...

Oh my goodness ... Now who is the jackass?

Anonymous said...

I suspect that idiot calling ministers country bookies is a flambeau trying to use reverse psychology. Flambeau so corrupt that you think that St. Lucians will be incensed with that country bookie phrase and calling all our country men idiots to get sympathy for flambeau. There are some st. lucian idiots but they are flambeaus like you.