Thursday, February 2, 2012

Attention Police: Please address situation of unleashed pit-bull dogs directly near the Methodist School on Darling road



Anonymous said...

the dogs attend the police training school!!!!!!lol.

what big deal??

all pit-bull dogs are unleashed 2 represent castries central!!!

their are all over the place hiding from the FBI.

Anonymous said...

Very sad story, indeed! One day soon, unfortunately, we will hear about these dogs; the damage and or death that will be visited on someone.

Above, no one can hide from the FBI. Eventually, they WILL GET YOU, in our case, the sonner the better!

Anonymous said...

very true remember the pit-bull will not the first lucian ??? that the FBI will have

i will bring him some more bones!!!when next i visite.

Anonymous said...

Why are we trying to politicize such a serious social matter? Please permit me, Mr. Editor, to highly commend "Frightened Pedestrian" for such a wonderful initiative. Thank you very much "Frightened" one. Please Mr. Editor, send this article to the COP, Mr. Francois for his urgent and expedited intervention. And the most important point to my mind in this matter is the vital observation by "Frightened Pedestrian" that pit bulls are known to attack people "unprovoked". I now live in Guyana and I can provide horror stories to St. Lucians about innocent Guyanese citizens who have been suddenly attacked and killed by pit bulls. Please "Frightened Pedestrian", follow-up on this matter with the Police Force. Peter Lansiquot.