Tuesday, February 14, 2012

First Executive of Media Association of Saint Lucia (MASL) Elected



Anonymous said...

Bunch of useless political sell outs. Is there such a thing call media here?

Anonymous said...

Absolutely correct.

St. Lucia's media are the choir for the failed liberal mindset in our "elite" leadership class.

This is a class minted just prior to and after Independence that have the arrogance of both the Massa class of slavery and the liberal class of the western world that has slowly but surely been destroying our Western civilization for the past century.

Rather than talking about the eugenics policies of Planned Parenthood, the media promote the abortion policies of the liberal.

They ignore the family when all the research proves that what is causing crime and destroying the African American and Caribbean communities is the absence of the father in the home. Not the "visiting" male but the biological father.

St. lucia has the world's highest rate of out of wedlock births at 85%. No wonder our boys are feral creatures prone to drugs and violence and our girls initiated into sexual activity from as young as 10 years old.

Instead of promoting civilized lifestyles the media take as a given any vice that is promoted on the media including vulgar advertisements and pictures of 6 year old children "whining" during Carnival.

Every vulgar liberal edict handed down by the liberal transnational global entities like the EU and the UN are absorbed without any vetting by our local media.

The media is useless in St. Lucia as we can now get the truth off the internet.

When last did you see a well researched article in the media with regard to the hugh public debt in St. Lucia that is killing us or about the inefficiencies of the public service?

Anonymous said...

No doubt,the media has shifted to sensationalism and soft news reporting.But arn't the people in part responsible for this state of shallowness?......stay balanced my friend.

Anonymous said...

I can only hope that this new President, Clinton Reynolds, is not an exact chip off the old block, because if he is anything like his derriere-licking father, then CHOU MACKACK for the new Media Association. In any case, Good Luck Media Association.

Flora said...

Congratulations to the new executive.