Saturday, February 18, 2012

An Old Issue Revisited – Water Sector Reform Part 5



Anonymous said...

I am one of the many Saint Lucians that believe that the Public Sector/Private Sector Participation concerning our water supply is absolutely a very wrong model for the Government of Saint Lucia to follow when it comes to our water supply, it is a very dangerous path to follow.
To begin with the government in SLU DO NOT have a finacial/economic structure Such as an INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING (I P O)mechanism to facilitate such a costly endeavor and even if the government had such a mechanism who would be the investors/share holders, are they going to be locals or foreigners, are we prepared to give ownership of our domestic water supply to foreigners, even thought we may be attempted to accept the infusion of capital in our local economy by foreigners that may help economic growth we have to be very wary of that prospect, we should also take heed of what our Nobel Prize of Economics Sir Arthur Lewis wrote in his book concerning foreign investment and I will paraphrase,...most of the profit made in an economy by foreigners are sent back to their country and does not remain in the host country, and with the ongoing of capital flight when these foreign investors leave the host country with their capital not only monies are lost but also jobs would be lost which would then have an adverse effect on the local economy.,,cont'd

Anonymous said...

cont'd....A huge facilitate an efficient distribution of our water supply to the customers the Government of SLU has to undergo a huge technological hurdle.."Technology projects are complex undertakings that require a balance of focus across multiple constituencies and multiple business, technology, and organizational issues. In today's lean environment, a major project can exceed an organization's capacity, causing a project to run over on both time and budget - or fail to achieve the needed benefits in a sustainable manner" in the current economic global crisis does the government of SLU has the capacity and fortitude to take such of a risk.
Now let us take a look at Business Insight..."In the area of business insight (which encompasses everything from business intelligence to predictive analytics to management reporting and dashboards) it is too often the case that organizations have ventured forth to gain insight, but have not achieved the results the business really needs.
Often there is limited visibility into business operations, multiple versions of the truth, or gaining insight is just too labor intensive. Some executive team receive unpleasant operating surprises or struggle to distill where the business needs to focus. There is too much data without information and insight" Government should be aware that "A robust and disciplined approach to business program management is the difference between successful advancement of a project that underachieves and frustrates the business as a whole"....In other words the problem WASA/WASCO is POOR MANAGEMENT.