Thursday, February 9, 2012

Referendum for China/Taiwan Relations



Anonymous said...

Wasn't LPM calling for this sometime ago?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Micah, Micah, Micah!!

Come on. The Taiwanese said from Nov 30th ,2011 that the SLP had met with them and PROMISED they were staying with Taiwan. Do you media people not read ! Kenny and Tony all over again.

Kenny has no intention of giving up $1 million per constitutiency annually from the Taiwanese for the Chinese who only send in their own workers for large projects that they control!

When it comes to the SLP just "follow the money". You think the SLP hacks can give up $17 million annually for 5 years?

The only reason this so called "decision" is being held up is that the narcissistic hypocracy of "Kenny and Tony" on the Taiwanese presence in St. Lucia demands a scapegoat.

That scapegoat is Ambassador Chou. Kenny has to throw St. Lucian's a bone to show that he has some principles.

The Taiwanese ain't going anywhere !
The only delay in announcing the decision is that Kenny (who attacked Chou and the Taiwanese) has to cover for Tony (who promised them befor elections he was staying with Taiwan) !

The problem is also that the Taiwanes think they did not do anything wrong so wil not sacrifice Chou on Kenny's hypocritical alter !

Anonymous said...

I say VOTE, so the Labour Govt will not be held accountable just in case St.Lucians start complaining.

Anonymous said...

Gov't is Always accountable to the people. And what was the last election all about?...the electorate gave SPL,a mandate to act on their behalf. No referendum is needed.

Anonymous said...

Has a referendum ever been held for anything in St. Lucia for issues which were much more important than this one?

There was no referendum to decide on independence.

There was no referendum to join the OECS.


Iouana Lao said...

Micah, I'm very surprised that you should take such a puerile position on the China/Taiwan issue. It is a simplistic stance, to say the least, to say that the people can "see" what both have done so put it to a vote. Since when have the complex matters of foreign affairs and diplomatic relations become a question of a referendum - especially based on comparing ti-canal (vote-getting) diplomacy and projects that have a further reaching impact on our social needs at a national level.

Micah you need a reality check - I am incredulous! you seemed t have joined the Flambeau propagandists in making this the issue on which every thing turns. Because they want to be vindicated in their position which, in the first place, was only a self-serving ruse.

Anonymous said...

Stupid!! HOw many articles have MG written that was not pro UWP? Loads of them. What I don't understand with you'll is once someone do not tore the one size fit all principles of the SLP they are flambeaus.

What are you afraid of? Why don't we allow the people of St Lucia to settle this issue. I know people who voted for the SLP who did not cast their vote because they expected China to return to St Lucia. I know people who also voted for Flambeau who did not vote because they favoured Taiwan.

Grow up!! Give the people that respect and right!!!

Better Days Ahead said...

a referundum would be an ideal solution ...Did you know PANAMA had one when it came to the recent expansion & dredging of the Panama Canal. In the end the ppl supported it cause it brought jobs and tonnes of money into the economy with larger container ships coming through.
In our case its too late for a referundum cause the BUDGET 2012 is coming up soon. It will take too long to bring the vote to the ppl..

i think if we did have a referundum most lucians due to their biases and lack of knowlege of global changes would choose Taiwan easily. But would that be the best choice ? Taiwan does things for us what we can do for ourselves.. China finances projects that are too much to do on our own except if we go to lending agencies like CBEAN DEV. BANK, World Bank,local banks etc...SAVING US MILLIONS IN THE PROCESS OF DEBT TO GDP that we would have had to pay annually ..